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Issue - meetings

Proposed Senior Officer Leadership Arrangements

Meeting: 29/07/2015 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 44)

44 Exempt Report of the Chief Executive - Proposed Senior Officer Leadership Arrangements

Additional documents:


1)  That the option for future senior leadership arrangements set out in section 4 and Appendix 4 of the exempt report of the Chief Executive be agreed for the purpose of formal consultation with staff affected; and

2)  That subsequent to the consultation in 1) above, the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee be authorised to consider the consultation responses and finalise the future senior leadership arrangements for implementation in accordance with the Council’s policies for organisational change and appointment of directors.


The Chief Executive presented her exempt report on the proposals for future senior leadership arrangements.


Members noted comments and observations made by the Consultant who had been brought in to assist the Chief Executive in formulating her proposals.

Following an enquiry from a Member about redesignating the Director of Regeneration and Place to Deputy Chief Executive, the Consultant stated that a lot of authorities in her experience had moved away from having a Deputy Chief Executive as not only did this create an expectation of a higher salary, it could lead to difficulties with Heads of Service being confused over authority.

Councillor McLoughlin proposed and Councillor Mrs Blackmore seconded to change the designation of Director of Regeneration and Place to Deputy Chief Executive.


Voting:  For:  5  Against:  10  Abstentions:  0


1)  That the option for future senior leadership arrangements set out in section 4 and Appendix 4 of the exempt report of the Chief Executive be agreed for the purpose of formal consultation with staff affected; and

2)  That subsequent to the consultation in 1) above, the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman of Policy and Resources Committee be authorised to consider the consultation responses and finalise the future senior leadership arrangements for implementation in accordance with the Council’s policies for organisational change and appointment of directors.

Voting:  For:  10  Against:  1  Abstentions:  4