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Issue - meetings

S106 Contributions August 2015

Meeting: 01/10/2015 - Planning Committee (Item 160)

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The Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development setting out details of S106 agreements in respect of which the Council was holding money on behalf of infrastructure providers as at August 2015.  Members drew the Officers’ attention to a number of inaccuracies in the report.  They also emphasised the need to establish a procedure for drawing down and spending the contributions for public open space and recreation (and maintenance).




1.  That the Head of Planning and Development be requested to:


  Review all S106 legal agreements on the database and the applications to which they relate and then update/correct the schedule of contributions held by the Council on behalf of infrastructure providers (this exercise to be undertaken as part of the transfer of information to the new system for reporting on S106 agreements); and


  Send the revised schedule to the Political Group Spokespersons to enable them to check the information with Members of their respective Political Groups and report back to the Officers with any issues and concerns.


2.  That the Political Group Spokespersons be requested to consider the arrangements for drawing down and spending the contributions allocated for public open space and recreation (and maintenance) when the schedule is finalised, including the organisation of meetings with Ward Members and the appropriate Officers.


3.  That the quarterly reports on S106 contributions be suspended until the exercise set out in paragraph 1 above has been completed.