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Maidstone Leisure Centre solar microgeneration

Meeting: 21/10/2015 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 85)

85 Report of the Director of Environment and Shared Services - Maidstone Leisure Centre Solar Microgeneration pdf icon PDF 102 KB


1)  That the installation of a solar microgeneration system (solar panels) at Maidstone Leisure Centre be approved;

2)  That a budget of up to £270,000 is made available for the delivery of the project;

3)  That Officers be instructed to obtain the necessary permissions and licences to implement the recommendations, including registration for Feed in Tariff; sale or export of electricity; and appropriate agreements with the District Network Operator; and to assign those permissions and licences as appropriate; and

4)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Commercial and Economic Development, in consultation with the Head of Legal Partnership, to enter into and conclude negotiations with Maidstone Leisure Trust and Serco regarding their purpose of the electricity generated.


Councillor Mrs Wilson left the meeting temporarily and Councillor Mrs Blackmore took the chair for this item.

The Committee considered the report of the Director of Environment and Shared Services which related to the installation of a solar microgeneration system at Maidstone Leisure Centre.


1)  That the installation of a solar microgeneration system (solar panels) at Maidstone Leisure Centre be approved;

2)  That a budget of up to £270,000 is made available for the delivery of the project;

3)  That Officers be instructed to obtain the necessary permissions and licences to implement the recommendations, including registration for Feed in Tariff; sale or export of electricity; and appropriate agreements with the District Network Operator; and to assign those permissions and licences as appropriate; and

4)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Commercial and Economic Development, in consultation with the Head of Legal Partnership, to enter into and conclude negotiations with Maidstone Leisure Trust and Serco regarding their purpose of the electricity generated.

Voting:  14    Against:  0    Abstentions:  0