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Issue - meetings

Workforce Strategy 2016- 2020

Meeting: 29/06/2016 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 18)

18 Report of the Head of Human Resources Shared Services - Workforce Strategy 2016- 2020 (updated) pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


1)  That the draft Workforce Strategy 2016-2020 be agreed;


2)  That an update report on the progress of the Workforce Plan be presented to the Employment Committee every six months.


The Head of Human Resources Shared Service, Dena Smart, introduced the report on the Workforce Strategy 2016-2020 and directed the Committee to the updated version of the strategy contained in the amended agenda.


It was explained that:


·  The Workforce Strategy 2016-2020 focused on self-sufficiency, reduction of resources and change.


·  Due to changes in the council’s ability to recruit and retain employees, the council needed to be more competitive and offer rewards.


During discussion the following points were made:


·  The future work skills word cloud summarised the driving forces that would impact on future employees. One of these was channel shift, the process of directing members of the public to online and technological methods of communicating with the council. This both provided a 24 hour service and also reduced costs.


·  The potential effect on freedom of movement for European Nationals, following the result of the referendum on membership of the European Union, may impact on the workforce or create difficulties in recruitment.


Members noted the Workforce Strategy 2016-2020 action plan, and it was moved that progress on the action plan be reported to Employment Committee every six months.




1)  That the draft Workforce Strategy 2016-2020 be agreed;


For – 14  Against – 1    Abstain - 0


2)  That an update report on the progress of the Workforce Plan be presented to the Employment Committee every six months.


For – 15  Against – 0    Abstain – 0