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Draft Low Emission Strategy Consultation Response

Meeting: 08/03/2016 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 13)

13 Report of the Head of Housing and Community Services - Draft Low Emission Strategy Consultation Response pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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Issue for Decision


To consider the report and note the decision of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee


Decision Made


That the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee be recommended to fix a date for the Low Emission Workshop, as early as possible before the elections in May 2016, inviting all Borough Councillors to attend, to establish the parameters of the Low Emissions Action Plan.



The Senior Scientific Officer and the Mid-Kent Environmental Protection Team Leader introduced the report and gave an overview of the current position of the strategy.


The Committee considered the report and noted the decision of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee at their meeting of 16 February 2016.


Members raised concern over the very basic level of consultation and the low response rate to the public consultation for the strategy. Concern was also raised regarding the lack of consultation with parish councils, Borough Councillors and other interested groups.


The Committee heard that a workshop was planned for after the elections in May 2016.  The workshop would be open to all Members of the council to look at what Members wanted to implement through the strategy and to develop the Action Plan.  The Committee agreed the workshop should be held before the elections.


The Head of Planning and Development stated that air quality was an important aspect of the planning process.  It was intended that a Supplementary Planning Document would be developed where detailed mitigation measures would be stated to improve air quality in the borough.





That the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee be recommended to fix a date for the Low Emission Workshop, as early as possible before the elections in May 2016, inviting all Borough Councillors to attend, to establish the parameters of the Low Emissions Action Plan.



Voting:  For – 8  Against – 1  Abstentions – 0