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Issue - meetings

Fly-tipping Performance

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Communities, Housing and Environment Committee (Item 64)

64 Report of the Head of Environment and Public Realm - Fly-tipping Performance pdf icon PDF 114 KB


1.  That the report of the Head of Environment and Public Realm be noted.


2.  That a Member workshop to demonstrate the mobile solution used to report and manage fly tipping and other responsive services be held.




The Head of Environment and Public Realm presented the report which provided details of fly-tipping reporting, the new facilities within the mobile working system, and proposed a workshop to demonstrate the mobile solution.


With regard to the mobile working system it was advised that:


·  The new system had been in operation for a year and allowed residents to pin point and report fly-tipping online. The location of the fly-tipping was then sent to an operative to remove;


·  Benefits included the ability to collect data on fly-tipping behaviour. One downside was that the map only showed the areas that MBC was responsible for collecting fly-tipping from, and for other areas users were prompted to contact Environmental Enforcement. It was felt that the prompt needed to be clearer and more seamless;


·  The data is collected had so far revealed that over 50% of fly-tipping was household waste, and that fly-tips were more prevalent in urban areas;


·  Some councils used an app called Littergram to allow residents to report fly-tipping, however this was not currently compatible with MBC’s system. A message had been placed on Littergram to advise residents to use the council’s website;


·  The closure of the refuse freighter service had not made any significant change to fly-tipping figures.





1.  That the report of the Head of Environment and Public Realm be noted.


2.  That a Member workshop to demonstrate the mobile solution used to report and manage fly tipping and other responsive services be held.


For – 8  Against – 0    Abstain – 0