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Issue - meetings

Local Plan Examination Update

Meeting: 13/09/2016 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 69)

69 Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Local Plan Examination Update pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Additional documents:


The Project Manager – Local Plan introduced the report and explained it was for information on the progress of the Local Plan Examination programme.


The Committee heard that the Hearings Programme had now been updated to Version F which was available on the Council’s web site.


Matters, Issues and Questions from the Examiner were being dealt with by officers and would be finalised by 15 September 2016 and published on the Council’s web site with public responses.


The Committee were informed there was a media campaign planned to provide positive messages throughout the process.


The Committee acknowledged the amount of work put in to getting the Local Plan to this stage and wished officers luck with the process.




That the update provided in relation to the forthcoming Local Plan examination hearings be noted.