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Issue - meetings

Disposal of Land North of Gore Court Road

Meeting: 04/10/2016 - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee (Item 68)

68 Report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development - Disposal of Land North of Gore Court Road pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:


That the open space strip of land with a total area of 414 square metres to the west of Gore Court Road, outlined in red on Appendix A to the report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development, not be declared surplus to requirement, and that no further action be taken.



The Parks and Leisure Manager introduced the report setting out the request from Bellway Homes to purchase an area of open space on the eastern side of Senacre Recreation Ground, in order to widen Gore Court Road and facilitate a housing development. The committee viewed a presentation depicting the area in question.


Councillor Newton addressed the committee as a Visiting Member.


The Development Control Manager advised the committee that:


·  Hedgerow regulations referred to protected hedgerows such as those on agricultural land. The arbrocultural officer had been consulted and was of the view that the hedges on the land for consideration did not fall within the definition.


·  Declaring the land surplus would instigate notice of a statutory six week review. Officers could confirm the exact status of the hedgerows during this time.


·  Alternative ways to widen Gore Court Road had been considered but would involve the loss of protected ancient woodland and TPO trees. Loss of ancient woodland (which has a high protection in the NPPF) would take priority over the loss of hedgerows.


·  The widening of Gore Court Road had been included in the regulation 18 stage of the Local Plan allocations.


During discussion Members raised the following points:


·  The hedgerow was well-established. Loss of the hedgerow would impact on the view and could open the field up to development.


·  The land for consideration was used by members of the public for activities such as dog walking.


·  Gore Court Road could currently accommodate two adjacent vehicles and so widening was not required.


·  Disposal of the land could set a precedent for the sale of publically owned countryside land for development. 


It was moved and seconded:


1.  That the open space strip of land with a total area of 414 square metres to the west of Gore Court Road, outlined in red on Appendix A to the report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development be declared surplus to requirements.


2.  That the placing of a Public Notice pursuant of Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 be authorised.


For – 2  Against – 4  Abstain – 1


The motion was lost.


It was moved, seconded and:


RESOLVED: That the open space strip of land with a total area of 414 square metres to the west of Gore Court Road, outlined in red on Appendix A to the report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development, not be declared surplus to requirement, and that no further action be taken.


For – 6  Against – 0  Abstain – 1