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Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee, Key Performance Indicators 2017-18

Meeting: 11/04/2017 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 185)

185 Report of the Head of Policy and Communications: Key Performance Indicators 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the KPIs for this Committee for 2017-18 will be:


·  Processing of major planning applications in 13 weeks

·  Processing of minor applications in 8 weeks

·  Processing of other applications in 8 weeks

·  Net additional homes provided (NI 154)

·  Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)


2.  That updates on the progress of the Integrated Transport Strategy are brought to this Committee.



The Head of Policy and Communications and the Policy and Information Manager presented the report on the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee’s – Key Performance Indicators for 2017-18.


It was noted that the suggested indicators (paragraph 3.3) were made following workshops with members and suggestions from officers.


The Committee suggested that instead of KPIs under the heading: Securing Improvements to the Transport Infrastructure of our Borough, regular updates on the progress of the Integrated Transport Strategy would be brought to this Committee.




1.  That the KPIs for this Committee for 2017-18 will be:


·  Processing of major planning applications in 13 weeks

·  Processing of minor applications in 8 weeks

·  Processing of other applications in 8 weeks

·  Net additional homes provided (NI 154)

·  Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)


2.  That updates on the progress of the Integrated Transport Strategy are brought to this Committee.