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Parking Innovation

Meeting: 06/02/2018 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 163)

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Mr Jeff Kitson, the Parking Services Manager, presented this item to the Committee. The report detailed an overview of current and developing technologies in the parking industry and outlined the planned innovation within Parking Services over the next two years.


It was highlighted to the Committee that:


·  Over the next 5-10 years vehicle transport would change more than it has in the last 100 years.


·  The surge in technology had extended to the parking industry which had resulted in convergence, development and innovation.


·  Parking Services had reviewed the current market and was committed to transforming services by embracing new and emerging technologies within the parking industry, to meet the changing needs of customers, to maintain service efficiency and to maximise car park income levels. This would be achieved through an innovation phase over the next two years.


·  The decision on whether to alter car parking charges in the Town Centre was deferred from the meeting of this Committee on 22 January 2018.


In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Kitson replied that:


·  The average cost per day for a long stay car park season ticket was £4.24, which was comparable to the Park and Ride tariff.


·  Only 252 season tickets had been issued. Therefore, these formed a very small proportion when compared to the thousands of transactions which took place for other parking services.


The Committee raised the following concerns:


·  That car parking charges were being raised to fund the Park and Ride Service which required a large subsidy to run. However, the Committee suggested that the Council’s car parking was undervalued and therefore agreed to implement the car parking charges at Appendix 1.


·  Using price to encourage customers to visit a car park in a different zone could mean that more air pollution is produced as the customer travelled between car parks.


The Committee supported the proposals to develop parking services and embrace innovation. Further to this, the Committee requested that all measures to accelerate the implementation of the emerging technologies be considered by Officers. The Committee also requested that consideration be given to landscaping and greening and that the improvement of safety lighting be considered by Officers as infrastructure was installed.




1.  That the proposals to develop parking services and embrace innovation be supported.


2.  That all measures to accelerate implementation be considered.


3.  That as infrastructure is installed opportunities for landscaping, greening, and improving of safety lighting be considered.


Voting: Unanimous


4.  That the pay and display tariff proposals as set out in Appendix 1 be agreed.


Voting:  For – 6   Against – 1 Abstentions – 0


Note: Councillor Springett left the meeting at 21:45 during consideration of this item.