Members except Councillors Boughton, B Mortimer and Perry stated
that they had been lobbied.
Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and
Councillor J Sams (Visiting Member)
addressed the meeting.
1. That permission
be granted subject to conditions to
A time restriction on the hours of operation to the
effect that no activity in connection with
the use permitted shall be carried out outside the hours of 08.00
to 22.00 on Mondays to Saturdays and 08.00 to 20.00 on Sundays
within the building and for the garden area from 08.00 to 20.00 on
any day. No food or drink shall be
consumed or other activities undertaken including holding functions
and the playing of amplified or acoustic music in the garden area
outside these times except for individuals wishing to smoke
A limitation on the type of food that can be cooked
i.e. only foodstuffs that do not require the installation of an
extraction system.
2. That the Head
of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to finalise
the wording of these conditions and to amend, delete or add to the
other recommended conditions and informatives as required in line with the
Committee’s decision and the listed status of the
Voting: 12 –
For 0 –
Against 0 –