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S106 Committee Report
Meeting: 08/02/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 403)
403 S106 Delivery Report PDF 175 KB
The Committee considered a schedule setting out details of S106 contributions secured by the Council on behalf of infrastructure providers and the progress of schemes funded by S106 contributions, including spend by dates.
The Development Manager explained that he wished to update the schedule as follows:
· MA/08/2323 – 115 Tonbridge Road (Fant) (spend by date February 2018) linked to MA/12/0381 - Land to rear of 125 Tonbridge Road (Fant) (spend by date November 2018) – Contributions for Public Open Space and Recreation
The funding had been allocated, drawn down, and was not at risk.
· MA/12/2314 – Next Store, Eclipse Park (East) (spend by date December 2018) – Town Centre Contribution
It had been agreed by the Planning Committee that this funding should be put towards the Public Realm Improvements Project Phase 3 to include the whole of Week Street and Gabriels Hill in order to mitigate the impact of the development on the Town Centre. The scheme was out to contract, and the funding was not at risk.
· MA/10/0594 – Astley Terrace, Hastings Road (Kent Music School) (High Street) (spend by date January 2018) – Healthcare Contribution
Only 6k of this contribution had been allocated by the due date, which meant that £16k would need to be returned.
· MA/08/2323 – 115 Tonbridge Road (Fant) (spend by date February 2018) and MA/12/0381 – Land to the rear of 125 Tonbridge Road (Fant) (spend by date November 2018) – Healthcare Contributions
This funding had been allocated and was being spent, with no risk of it having to be returned.
· A number of contributions for the provision of public open space and recreation were shown to be awaiting project status although the money had been received during May/June/July 2017. Meetings were being set up with the Parks Manager to discuss the allocation of this funding. Changes in responsibilities and reporting arrangements had resulted in the projects not being identified, but this would be resolved when the next S106 report was presented.
Members expressed concern about the failure of the West Kent CCG to draw down the Astley Terrace healthcare contribution by the spend date. Members requested that they be informed in writing by the CCG as to the reasons why the funding secured had not been spent by the due date. The Development Manager advised the Committee that the Officers had raised the issue with the CCG and were investigating whether any other outstanding monies remained unspent. This information would assist Members in their decision as to how to take their concerns forward.
1. That the information set out in the schedule be noted.
2. That a decision as to how to take forward Members’ concerns about the failure of the West Kent CCG to draw down S106 funding by the due date be deferred pending the outcome of the Officers’ investigations; such investigations to be reported back to Members of the Committee at the earliest available opportunity.