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MBC Festivals and Events Update 2018

Meeting: 30/10/2018 - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee (Item 85)

85 MBC Festivals and Events Update 2018 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

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The Committee considered the report of Mrs Laura Dickson, the Visitor Economy Development Manager which provided a review of large events held on council land and set out recommendations for the future of Proms in the Park.


Mrs Dickson provided an update on the events undertaken throughout the year.  A number of events had taken place, including:-


·  Proms in the Park

·  Shemomedjamo

·  Ramblin’ Man Fair

·  Oktoberfest

·  Community Mela

Mrs Dickson confirmed that the organisers of the Community Mela had contacted the Council to warn that the 2019 event was under pressure and there was a risk it would not take place.  Mrs Dickson also highlighted the funding gap for Proms in the Park for 2019 as Parkwood Leisure had indicated that it would cost more to run the event in 2019.  Officers estimated that it would cost at least £17,000 to deliver the event which would not take into account costs associated with marketing and MBC staff time. 


The Chairman read out a statement from Councillor Round as he was not able to attend as a Visiting Member and speak on this item.


The Committee debated the report and made the following comments:-


·  There should be more advertising to encourage people to make use of Jubilee Square.

·  To make use of the Bandstand in Brenchley Gardens on a Sunday having various bands playing such as the Salvation Army.  To also re-invigorate Brenchley Gardens to make it a safe place for families to use.

·  Once the new Culture and Arts Officer was in post, one of their priorities should be to bring the relevant community groups together with a view to organising a Pride Event.


Due to the funding issues with Proms in the Park, and the information that had been received from organisers of the Community Mela, the Committee debated the possibility of withdrawing the £5,000 funding for the event and transferring it to the Community Mela.


The Chairman undertook to contact the organisers of the Community Mela to understand whether a joint event with Shemomedjamo was a possibility.  Additionally the Chairman confirmed that he would email members requesting that they allocate £200 of their member grant to the Community Mela to provide additional financial support.


The Committee requested that an additional event take place in 2019 in order to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the granting of a charter to the Mayor of Maidstone to keep swans on the River Medway.  This could be in the form of an exhibition in the Museum with an event bringing together the River Medway user groups. 




1)  The updates in the report be noted.


2)  The Proms in the Park be discontinued and that the remaining £5,000 budget for 2019 be used to support the Community Mela for one year only, subject to outcomes being agreed between Cohesions Plus and MBC and pump prime new events in Brenchley Gardens.

Voting:  Unanimous