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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for Absence were received from Councillors Mrs Blackmore, Carter and Chell.



Notification of Substitute Members


The following substitution was noted:-


Councillor Horne for Councillor Mrs Blackmore



Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor Ash indicated his wish to speak on Item 8.  Councillor Nelson-Gracie indicated his wish to speak on Item 13 and Councillor Paine indicated his wish to speak on Item 11.



Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures.



Disclosures of lobbying


Councillors Hinder, Hotson, Robertson and Wilson declared they had been lobbied on Item 14.



Minutes of the Meeting Held on 15 October 2008 pdf icon PDF 929 KB


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2008 be approved as a correct record and signed.



Questions/Statements by members of the public


Councillor Geraldine Brown, Chairman of Yalding Parish Council, addressed the Board regarding the Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent County Council – Heavy Goods Vehicle Issues and, in particular, the Survey carried out by the Freight Transport Association (“FTA”).  Councillor Brown requested that the Committee not pursue the recommendations in the FTA Survey regarding a one-way system and traffic lights on Town Bridge as Councillor Brown felt this would cause severe congestion.  Councillor Brown suggested that the Countywide Freight Strategy for Kent be split into sections/groups of County, Borough and Parishes.


Councillor Roger Levett of Teston Parish Council addressed the Board regarding Teston Bridge and the A26 between Maidstone and Wateringbury.  Councillor Levett reminded the Board that the issue of wide lorries crossing Teston Bridge had still not been looked at despite repeated requests.  Councillor Levett also requested that consideration be given to reducing the A26 to a B road. 


Mr McDonald addressed the Board regarding the Reference from Maidstone Borough Council on the Fant Traffic Campaign.  Mr McDonald is very keen to see traffic calming solutions and improvements to 4 roads – Bower Place, Upper Fant Road, Gatland Lane and Glebe Lane.  He felt that a 20mph limit would be a good starting point.




Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent Highway Services - Integrated Transport Programme for Maidstone 2009/10 and beyond pdf icon PDF 98 KB


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent County Council, regarding the Integrated Transport Programme for Maidstone 2009/10 and beyond.  The Board Members were asked to let KCC Highways know of any scheme that they wished to be considered for 2010/11 and onwards.


Members raised various queries with regard to proposed schemes in their areas.  Mr Corcoran informed the Board that the proposed schemes would have stemmed from issues that the local community or Parish Council had raised with them.  Any scheme that is not successful in 2009/10 will be carried forward to the next year.  When a scheme is successful, KCC Highways will consult again with the local community, Parish Councils and local Members to design a detailed scheme.


Members raised concerns that many of the schemes that have achieved a low score by Pipkin will never materialise, even though they are of great importance to the local community.  Members felt it was important that other funding streams should be looked at for these smaller schemes, some perhaps could be funded from Borough or County Members’ devolved budgets. 




1.  That Members of the Board put their own formal concerns to the Highways Advisory Board about the proposed schemes in their areas.

2.  That KCC Highways Officers consult with local Members regarding the smaller schemes and help with some design work to give Members the opportunity to bid for other funding streams.

3.  That consideration be given to splitting strategic schemes and local schemes in the new system that replaces Pipkin.







Report of the Head of Countywide Improvements - KCC Integrated Transport Improvement Schemes 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 77 KB


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Countywide Improvements – KCC Integrated Transport Improvement Schemes 2008/09.  The Board were informed that work is currently taking place to extend to two lanes in both directions on the A20 London Road and Cold Harbour roundabout.


Mr Burton informed the Board that the design work for the Bridge Gyratory is continuing, but a problem has arisen and will delay the design work.


Mr Burton also confirmed he was aware of the problem with the signs following the work at Bredhurst and that they are looking at ways to solve this.


RESOLVED:  That the Report be noted.




Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent Highway Services - Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent Highway Services – Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services.


The Board were informed that Kent Highway Services had received the petition with regard to the Fant Traffic Campaign and that design work had started and consultation will take place on the scheme in due course.




1.  That the Report be noted.

2.  That a copy of the Officer’s report on Pheasant Lane be sent to Councillor Chittenden.

3.  That Kent Highways officers consult with Councillor Curwood and the local Borough Council Members on their plans for the Fant area traffic scheme before going out to full consultation.




Reference from Maidstone Borough Council - Fant Traffic Campaign pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the reference from Council regarding the petition received on the Fant Traffic Campaign.


RESOLVED:  That it was noted the Kent Highways Services had received the petition and that design work had started on a scheme and that consultation will take place in due course.




Report of the Interim Director of Kent Highway Services - Parish Portal Update pdf icon PDF 14 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Report of the Interim Director of Kent Highway Services regarding an update on the Parish Portal.


The Board were asked to encourage their Parish Councils to nominate someone to attend the Roadshows to ensure that all parishes understood what was trying to be achieved.


Mr Moreton extended an invitation to all Borough Council Members and Members of the Board to attend his office so they can view the Parish Portal.


In response to a question, Mr Moreton confirmed that only County Councillors could access the portal at present.  He was aware that there will be a need for Borough Council Members to be able to access the Portal and he would look into how this could be achieved.


RESOLVED:  That the Report be noted.




Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent County Council - Heavy Goods Vehicle Issues pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding Heavy Goods Vehicle Issues that had been raised at previous meetings of the Joint Transportation Board.


Members expressed their disappointment at the findings of the survey by the Freight Transport Association “FTA” and that the Countywide Freight Strategy, which was due to be published by the end of this financial year, is now to be subsumed into the wider Transport Strategy for Kent.  The planned publication date of this document is not yet known.  Members felt the Survey should have been carried out in term time and business time.


Members felt very strongly that all the historic bridges in the Borough are suffering greatly from usage by HGVs and this needed urgent attention.  Members are aware that this is an exceptionally complex issue and therefore more information on the problem is required by conducting an origin and destination (O&D) survey to help find a solution to the problem.


All Members of the Board were extremely concerned that the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste had rejected the request to carry out O&D surveys in Yalding.




1.  That the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste be strongly recommended to re-consider his decision and that he does now engage the proper consultants to do a thorough Origin and Destination Survey in Yalding during term time and business time.

2.  That English Heritage be consulted with regard to the problem of HGVs and the damage they are causing to the historic bridges in the Borough of Maidstone.




Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent County Council - Maidstone Commuter Coach Services pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Report of the Head of Transport and Development, Kent County Council regarding the issues arising from the decision of New Enterprise Coaches to withdraw their Maidstone-London commuter coach services and their partial replacement by new services provided by Chalkwell Coaches.


RESOLVED:  That the Report be noted.




Report of the Country Parks Area Manager, Kent County Council - Application for Road Traffic Order at Teston Bridge Picnic Site pdf icon PDF 20 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Report of the Country Parks Area Manager regarding the objection received to the application by KCC to implement a road traffic order at Teston Bridge Country Park.


Members raised some concern that the income from the pay and display machines would not cover the cost of policing the car park.




1.  That the receipt of a formal objection to the road traffic order at Teston Bridge Country Park be acknowledged.


2.  That the Road Traffic Order at Teston Bridge Country Park be approved.


3.  That the Country Parks Area Manager reports back to the Board in one year’s time regarding the financial implications of the road traffic order.





Oral Update of the Parking Services Manager, Maidstone Borough Council


Mr Reynolds updated the Board on previous proposals put forward.


Variation 1 of the Parking Places Order – the order came into operation on 28 November 2008 which included the implementation of restrictions including - new designated motorcycle parking in County Road, corner protection at the Wheeler Street/Union Street junction, restrictions on Old Chatham Road and residents bays in Church Road.


The verge parking order in Parkwood has now been implemented.  It has been very successful and the Council have been lobbied to increase the restrictions and to introduce them in other areas.


Variation 2 of the Parking Places Order – changes to Earl Street – informal and formal consultations have taken place and no objections have been received.  The ‘has made’ order is due to be signed and an operational date will be agreed as soon as possible.  The changes in Earl Street include a reduction of taxi ranks, slight increase in disabled parking and a further loading bay. 


Parking Services are currently out to consultation on the Managing Parking Demand scheme in the Town.  A meeting of the JTB has been arranged for 24 February 2009 in order to consider the results of the consultation in full.


Councillor Chittenden thanked Officers for the implementation of the motorcycle parking in County Road and stated that this had made a good improvement in the area.


Councillor Robertson commented that he was pleased that the further loading bay had helped with the congestion in Earl Street but there was still a problem with vehicles doing 3 point turns.


RESOLVED:  That the update be noted.