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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone

Contact: Janet Barnes  01622 602242 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beerling, Hinder and Hotson.



Notification of Substitute Members


There were no Substitute Members.



Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor Nelson-Gracie indicated his wish to speak on Agenda Item 15 – Objections received for Traffic Regulation Orders submitted to Kent Highway Services.


Councillor Mrs Gooch had requested the Democratic Services Officer to read out a statement with regard to  Agenda Item 15 – Objections received for Traffic Regulation Orders submitted to Kent Highway Services.



Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.



Disclosures of lobbying


All Members disclosed that they had been lobbied with regard to Agenda Item 8 – speed limit reduction for Liverton Hill.


Councillor J E Wilson disclosed that he had been lobbied with regard to Agenda Item 7 point 2 – Petition for a 20mph speed limit in the area around schools.


Councillor Marchant disclosed that he had been lobbied with regard to Agenda Item 7 point 1 – Petition to reinstate the Cobtree bus stop.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 54 KB


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 April 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed, subject to the inclusion of the following under Minute 57:-


“Officers were requested that the surveys are done outside of the school holidays”.




1.  Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:-


  “Reinstate Cobtree Bus Stop”


2.  Notice has been given pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:-


“We the undersigned call upon Kent County Council to review its policy on speed limits starting with those around schools.  We would like ideally a 20mph speed limit in all residential areas, but to start with we call for the Council to pro-actively work with schools, and where there is a request from parents and support from local residents, implement 20mph speed limits in the area around that school.  This to be done in full consultation with the community.”




i)  Mr Peter Connolly addressed the Board regarding a petition to “Reinstate Cobtree Bus Stop”.  He stated that the bus stop is predominantly used by schoolchildren for their journey home from school and alternative walking routes are only single track roads with no street lighting. 


Mr Connolly stated that Arriva have said that it is difficult to stop and start the buses from this bus stop due to the fast flow of traffic on the A229.  Mr Connolly suggested that the 50mph speed limit signs are moved 50 metres further down the road and for additional signs to be put up warning drivers that buses will be slowing down and joining the road at this point.  He also stated that Arriva only gave 4 days notice that the service 101 would no longer stop at this bus stop.


Mr Connolly then presented the petition to the Local Transport and Development Manager from Kent County Council.


ii)  Mrs Janetta Sams addressed the Board regarding a petition to review the policy on speed limits around schools.  Mrs Sams stated that Harrietsham and Lenham Parish Council supported the petition, together with 4 schools in the area, Head Teachers, Parents, Borough Councillors and County Councillors.  She said that a resident of Lenham had brought the idea of the petition to their attention as this had been done in other parts of the country and would be a great initiative for community engagement. 


Mrs Sams then presented the petition to the Local Transport and Development Manager from Kent County Council.





Questions/Statements by members of the public


i)  Miss Anna Farley addressed the Board on behalf of the residents of Liverton Hill requesting that the speed limit through Liverton Hill is reduced from 60 mph to 30mph.  Miss Farley thanked the Borough and County Councillors who have supported them.  Miss Farley explained that Liverton Hill is on the main link road between Headcorn and Lenham.  Heavy freight and normal traffic has increased dramatically over recent years.  The road that Liverton Hill is on is very narrow, has a number of bends and a steep and windy hill.  Miss Farley asked that a 30mph speed limit be introduced between Platts Heath and Grafty Green to incorporate Liverton Hill.  Miss Farley stated that the residents of Liverton Hill understand that having a pavement in this area is not feasible as it will narrow the road further.


ii)  Mr Paul Linaker addressed the Board regarding Clapper Farm Lane.  Mr Linaker stated he was speaking as a resident of Staplehurst and represented equestrians and walkers in the area.  Mr Linaker explained that Clapper Farm Lane was still work in progress and he was disappointed that the agreed plan of action to unblock the lane had still not happened.  He was aware that a new action plan was revealed in April 2010, but this was also delayed due to residents taking matters to the Local Government Ombudsman, who had no powers to deal with this matter.  Mr Linaker requested the Board to ensure that the action to unblock Clapper Farm Lane is proceeded with urgently.


iii)  Mr Richard Adam addressed the Board regarding Clapper Farm Lane.  He stated that he was speaking on behalf of Marden Footpath Group and Marden Parish Council who fully support the re-opening of the Lane.  He stated that walkers in Marden are eager to see this matter progressed.  He reiterated that both Marden and Staplehurst Parish Councils support the plan that the Board agreed last year.  Mr Adam said he had attended this evening to implore Kent County Council to get on with the work urgently.


iv)  Mr Atkins addressed the Board regarding Agenda Item 15 – Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders.  Mr Atkins said he was speaking in support of the proposal for double yellow lines in Boughton Lane outside the shared entrance to Five Acre Wood School and New Line Learning School.  Mr Atkins stated that he lives opposite the entrance to the schools and the houses do not have the benefit of a pavement.  There was a lay-by on the other side of the road where visitors to the school or the fruit farm parked.  However this was removed and now visitors park their cars outside his and his neighbour’s homes as there are no road restrictions at this point.  This is unsatisfactory as the cars block the driveways of the properties.



Highway Improvement Schemes pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Board considered the report of KCC’s Head of Countywide Improvements regarding Highway Improvement Schemes.


Councillor Hewitt, Chairman of Bredhurst Parish Council, addressed the Board.  He stated that Bredhurst Parish Council were in full support of the physical chicane being made permanent and had allocated £4,500 towards the cost of this project.  Councillor Hewitt said that Councillor Greer had indicated he may be able to contribute £1,000 and Councillor Hewitt has written to Councillor Carter requesting financial help.  Councillor Hewitt requested that as the cost of the closure of the road exceeded the cost of the work required, could the work not be done with only a partial closure of the road.


Officers answered a number of queries raised by Members of the Board on the various schemes in the report.




1.  That the progress of the highway improvement programme and the withdrawal of funding from two schemes that were to be delivered in 2010/11 be noted.

2.  That no additional permanent chicane is installed in Dunn Street, Bredhurst, at the County Council’s expense be endorsed.



Update on Petitions Submitted to Kent Highway Services pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding updates on petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services.


A problem was raised regarding the temporary bollards at Pheasant Lane and Officers informed Members that improvements were scheduled to start on the following Monday.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.



Update on Speed Limit Review pdf icon PDF 45 KB


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding the Speed Limit Review.


Members welcomed the suspension of this review, however, there was some concern raised regarding the 6 month reviews that were due to take place.


Officers will be reporting back to the Board once the full implication of the suspension of the review is known.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.



Draft Maidstone Borough Transportation Strategy pdf icon PDF 48 KB


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding the draft Maidstone Borough Transportation Strategy.


Members of the Board felt it was important that the transport infrastructure was linked with the housing targets and that KCC and MBC should work closely together regarding this.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.



The Withdrawal of the Arriva 101 Service from bus stops at Cobtree Golf Course and Salisbury Road, Kits Coty pdf icon PDF 56 KB



The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding the withdrawal of the Arriva 101 service from bus stops at Cobtree Golf Course and Salisbury Road, Kits Coty.


Officers thanked Mr Connolly for the petition and read out a statement from Arriva, who apologised that a representative was not available to attend the meeting.


Members felt that alternative and cheaper ways could be found to resolve this issue and that the suggestion by Mr Connolly to move the restriction signs should be investigated and a report with a full scheme and costings should be brought to the next meeting.


RESOLVED:  That Councillor Carter and Officers work together to produce a scheme and specification that is legal, cost effective and allows the Arriva 101 service to resume using the bus stops at Cobtree Golf Course and Salisbury Road, Kits Coty as soon as possible.



Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership pdf icon PDF 53 KB


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding the Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership.




1.  That the re-launch of the Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership be supported.


2.  That Councillor Robertson (County Member) and Councillor J A Wilson (Borough Member) be appointed to sit on the Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership as the representatives of the Joint Transportation Board.



Objections received for Traffic Regulation Orders submitted to Kent Highway Services pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding objections received for Traffic Regulation Orders submitted to Kent Highway Services.


Mrs Brown, Chairman of Yalding Parish Council, asked members to support the introduction of the reduced speed limits for Laddingford.




1.  That the 30mph and 40mph Traffic Regulation Orders advertised should be implemented as they accord with national guidance.

2.  That the Belmont Close School Keep Clear entrance marking be implemented whilst the North Lane site is abandoned as few children tend to dross at this location.

3.  That the waiting restrictions in Boughton Lane as advertised be implemented.





Duration DuMr Moreton of Kent Highway Services updated the Board on the “Find and Fix” project for potholes.  The project started with 7 contractors across the County.  Each had 3 crews per district.  This was increased to 5 crews and they are monitored daily.


Work initially focussed on major roads and rural areas and started on 13 April 2010.  Over the County 1,100 roads were completed between April and July 2010.  The amount of patching done equates to 75,000 sq metres.  The next two months will see another 1,500 roads completed and this is weather related damage.


All the roads in Maidstone Borough were surveyed for weather related damage.  400 roads were identified.  In addition, a good patching crew has been brought in which works well in the rural networks and the Project Manager and Engineer are confident that the work will be completed by the autumn.


Members gave their congratulations to officers and Members have been receiving good comments from parishes and the public on the good quality work that has been undertaken.


A member requested a report on the gulley situation for the next meeting and officers agreed to speak to their colleagues about this.



Duration of Meeting


5.00 p.m. to 7.40 p.m.