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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Christina Chemsi  01622 602463

No. Item


The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast.


Resolved: That all items on the agenda be web-cast.





There were no apologies.



Notification of Substitute Members.


There were no substitute members.



Notification of Visiting Members.


It was noted that Councillors Ian Chittenden and Nelson-Gracie were Visiting Members interested in agenda item 9.



Disclosures by Members and Officers:

a)  Disclosures of interest.

b)  Disclosures of lobbying.

c)  Disclosures of whipping.



There were none.



To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


Resolved:  That all items be taken in public as proposed.



Minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2011 pdf icon PDF 50 KB


Resolved:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2011 be agreed as a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman.



Update on the Visitor Economic Business Unit pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Interview with:


Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration & Cultural Services; and

John Foster, Economic Development Manager.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration & Cultural Services and John Foster, Economic Development Manager to the meeting and invited them to provide the update.


Mr Morgan stated that the creation of the Visitor Economy Business Unit followed the prioritisation of service areas by the Cabinet as part of the Budget Setting process. Whilst Economic Development had been identified as a high priority, tourism had been identified as a low priority with a subsequent reduction in investment. It was also noted that the Heart of Kent organisation which provided information on accommodation and tourist attractions was ceasing, making every Local Authority responsible for their own area. Financially, the Council needed to reduce services that were provided in the Museum, Theatre and within tourism. All of these factors contributed to the creation of the Visitor Economy Business Unit (VEBU). Mr Morgan continued by explaining the two main purposes of the VEBU, being to provide an administrative role and to promote the borough as a venue for tourism for the purposes of growing the economy which was reflected in the Council’s priorities.


Mr Morgan stated that he had done some research on a report in 2006, which mentioned the intension for the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) in the Town Hall to be moved to the Museum East Wing once the redevelopment had been completed. The move in May 2011 was driven by two factors; to reduce costs and make better use of staff (as it was not possible to fund and serve three buildings).Furthermore by moving the VEBU and VIC staff to the Museum early it allowed cross training to take place. This was duly noted in the Cabinet papers that had been provided in the agenda, and already savings had been identified from the structure.


In answer to a question, Mr Morgan stated that the previous delay in the East Wing development was unfortunate. The Council was addressing issues that arose from the surveying of the building. Mr Morgan informed the Committee that overall savings that had been allocated for this financial year from the staff re-structure of £149,000. Mr Morgan offered to provide a breakdown of the figures with the last audit report and a copy of the operational plans for the VIC to the Committee. In answer to a question, Mr Morgan explained that the current delay in opening the Museum was due to electrical work that was required. However, he had been advised that it should be able to open early September 2011. The Committee noted that this would miss the summer holiday season, and enquired if they should be concerned about this. Mr Morgan stated that the peak time was from July-November, and therefore was not concerned. In relation to the opening ceremony, the Committee enquired if plans were being made for September which included the press, local hotels and other amenities. Mr Morgan informed the Committee that as well as delivering a phased opening of sections, a programme was being developed for the first  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.


Traffic Congestion Review pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Interview with:


County Councillor Malcolm Robertson;

Peter Rosevear, Kent Highways Strategic Transport &

Development Planner; and

John Foster, Economic Development Manager.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed County Councillor Malcolm Robertson, Peter Rosevear, Kent Highways Strategic Transport & Development Planner, and John Foster to the meeting, and invited Councillor Robertson to begin.


Councillor Robertson gave a presentation of information, attached in Appendix A.  Councillor Robertson informed the Committee that as the oldest standing Member of Maidstone Borough Council, he recalled days in 1955 when watching the traffic was a pastime sport, and shared with the Committee a Kent County Council supplemented newspaper from 1985 entitled ‘Maidstone-a way ahead’ that showed an artists impression of what the proposed road networks would look like, attached at Appendix B.

He informed the Committee that the ‘Rail Action Plan for Kent 2011’ was a good document and advised the Committee to consider the information within as part of the review. With regards to the train network, the Committee heard that the service to Cannon Street was not in the current franchise and it was deemed not commercial enough by the Train Operating Company (TOC); therefore it was no longer available. However, a new service to Blackfriars is being sought that will eventually be part of Thameslink. It is expected to include Maidstone from 2016/18. Kent is proposing that in the new franchise some services to Blackfriars should be taken from Sevenoaks and given to Maidstone for the interim period from 2014 till Thameslink happens, so as to provide a continuous service to the  City.


In answer to a question, Councillor Robertson stated that if funding was available he would redevelop the south side of the town, in particular the Upper Stone Street to Hail Road area.


The Committee heard from Mr Rosevear, who stated that the Transport Strategy used 2007 data to predict the situation in 2026, and this was how all Local Authorities Planning Authorities form their strategies. 

The Committee discussed the lack of vigour towards the Leeds/Langley by-pass, as it was noted that many people were travelling to the West by going through the town. Although there was much development required, it was agreed that the Committee should have a high vision and ambition in order to achieve what the borough needs, as it was noted that the by-pass was not wanted, but needed. Mr Rosevear stated that traffic was entering the town because it wanted to be there, not because it was passing through the town. The Committee asked for evidence of this information to be provided.


With regards to the gyratory system, the Committee discussed that the Traffic Control Centre visit on 26 June 2011, highlighted the need for more cameras to allow the four exits to be permanently watched, without tree foliage obstructing the view. As development on St Peters Street had been fruitful, this had created a large affect on the traffic entering the gyratory system. The Committee agreed that two cameras on the gyratory system and two tv screens in the control centre should be provided, and a tree surgeon should be allocated to keep the trees at a suitable  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Local Strategic Partnership: Quarter 1 update pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the quarter 1 update of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), and requested that the quarter 2 update be presented verbally on 25 October 2011.


Resolved:  That the LSP quarter 1 update be noted and that quarter 2 be provided verbally on 25 October 2011.



Future Work Programme pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the future work programme and heard from Mr Bob Bertrum, a consultant who the Committee met on their visit to Medway.


Mr Bertrum explained his background and  proposed to the Committee that he provides an appreciation of what the Members are looking to achieve, and where possible concludes with a solution at no charge to the Council. Mr Bertrum explained that he was willing to investigate without charging the council because of his career and interest in civil engineering as well as a wish from a professional point of view  to help address the problem. The Committee thanked Mr Bertrum for his offer, and informed him that once the Committee had reached a decision they will be in contact.


The Chairman highlighted the recent emails regarding the employment and skills training that had been distributed by Councillor Black, and asked the Committee to decide how they wished it to fit in with the current work programme. The Committee confirmed they wanted to finish the review on traffic congestion before commencing the next review which was scheduled for November 2011. However, the Committee was encouraged to do some investigations regarding employment and skills training schemes that were currently underway within each ward, in preparation for the reviews’ scope. Although Councillor Black was free to continue with planned meetings in connection to his ward, the Chairman advised that should his meetings be relevant to the Committee’s review, Councillor Black should advise the Committee accordingly.


Resolved: That:

a)  Mr Bertrum be thanked for his proposal and the Committee will be in contact; and

b)  the Employment and Skills Training topic should proceed as scheduled in the work programme for November 2011.



Duration of Meeting


6.30pm to 9.05pm.