Agenda item

Update on Petitions Submitted to KCC Highways and Transportation


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transportation updating the position with regard to petitions submitted to KCC Highways and Transportation.


A274 Sutton Valence Speed Limit Reduction


The representative of the Head of Transportation advised the Board that in September 2012, a petition with over 250 signatures was submitted by Sutton Valence Parish Council requesting the continuation of the 30 mph speed limit on the A274 northwards to the Five Wents junction.  Speed surveys were carried out which indicated existing mean speeds of 34.1 mph northbound and 35.1 mph southbound.  Kent Police were consulted and indicated that they did not support the continuation of the 30 mph speed limit at this location.  The 40 mph speed limit was largely complied with and reducing it to 30 mph was likely to require constant enforcement.  Given the response of the Police to the proposal, KCC Highways and Transportation did not currently support the request.  However, a meeting had been arranged to take place the following week with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste and the local Borough and County Council Members to discuss the situation further.


Councillor Mrs Eileen Riden, the Chairman of Sutton Valence Parish Council, addressed the Board in support of the request.  She explained that the continuation of the 30 mph speed limit was required in the interests of highway and pedestrian safety.


During the ensuing discussion, the Director of Highways and Transportation advised the Board that generally the Highway Authority accepted the views of the Police regarding speed limits and recognised the resource implications associated with traffic regulation enforcement.  However, having regard to the circumstances in this case, he was prepared to agree to the petitioners’ request.


A229 Sheals Crescent


The representative of the Head of Transportation reminded the Board that at its meeting in January 2013, a petition with over 600 signatures was presented requesting road safety measures in the Sheals Crescent, Hayle Road and Postley Road area of Maidstone following a fatal crash.  KCC Highways and Transportation had analysed the recent personal injury crash history for Sheals Crescent and Hayle Road and there was no record of crashes involving pedestrians or excessive speeds except the crash referred to by the petitioners which had extenuating circumstances and no reasonable road safety measures could have prevented.  There was no data to support major expenditure in this area, and the decision had been taken not to proceed with the petitioners’ request.  However, KCC Highways and Transportation would continue to monitor the situation and should either the Police or the Coroner raise any concerns about the highway as a result of the incident, their recommendations would be taken very seriously.


During the discussion on the report, it was suggested that, in the interests of pedestrian safety, a controlled crossing was required somewhere in Sheals Crescent.  It was also suggested that if options were being assessed for improving the operation of the Bridge gyratory, the opportunity should be taken to look at the one way system as a whole to relieve congestion and improve road safety.


With regard to the funding of road safety improvements, the Director of Highways and Transportation explained that in view of the limited resources available, the policy was to prioritise roads where accidents occurred most frequently.  However, consideration was being given to the development of a policy to secure funding and implement schemes more proactively.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


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