Agenda item

Maidstone Leisure Centre


Councillor Russell, the Lead Member for Leisure and Arts, introduced a report setting out future options for Maidstone Leisure Centre given the impending expiry of the current operator’s contract, the condition of the building and the Council’s commitment to promoting health and well-being. The Lead Member explained that:


·  The projected capital costs for a standard new build leisure centre had risen from £35m to £41.13m.  A Passivhaus centre or a more sophisticated design would cost in excess of £50m.  Over the life of a 50-year loan, the cost of this option had increased from £53m to £92m.  The total cost over 50 years of a major refurbishment of the leisure centre had risen from £47m to £82m.


·  The recommendation was to proceed with minor practical improvements which would increase visitor numbers and revenue and address some of the operational challenges.  It would add new activities, catering for target demographics, and address customer flows. It would also make a positive difference to the environmental impact of the centre on the Borough and reduce energy usage.  The works had been costed at approximately £2m.


·  The Council did need to be looking at a Passivhaus concept for a new leisure centre, but now was not the time given the increased capital costs and the economic situation.


·  An update had been circulated amending recommendation three to the Executive as follows to provide greater clarity to the decision-making process for Officers and Members:


That the capital sum of £2 million to deliver these works is identified in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and in the 2023/24 capital programme.


Councillor Cleator, Visiting Member, addressed the meeting.


The Lead Member and the Officers responded to questions relating to the design of the project and the timing of the works, the capital financing of the project, the business plan for the project, the activities of the Maidstone Leisure Trust, various operational models for the leisure centre going forward and the need to ensure that the various facilities within Mote Park complement each other.


During the discussion, the Officers undertook to confirm whether planning permission was required for the proposed works.


It was moved and seconded that the recommendations as amended be approved with the addition of the following words to recommendation seven to the Executive:


‘…with a view to opening either a new leisure centre or a fully refurbished leisure centre in 2031.’


When put to the vote, the motion was lost.




1.  That the option entitled minor practical improvements is pursued.


2.  That detailed plans for the minor practical improvements are developed and are included in the tender documentation.


3.  That the capital sum of £2 million to deliver these works is identified in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and in the 2023/24 capital programme.


4.  That delegated authority is given to the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement, in consultation with the Lead Member for Leisure and Arts, to lead a procurement process and invite tenders for the delivery of the minor practical improvements.


5  That after the completion of the tender process, delegated authority is given to the Head of Mid-Kent Legal Services to enter into such contracts as required to complete the contract award and commence the minor practical improvements.


6.  That the Council pursues a contract extension with Maidstone Leisure Trust and Serco Leisure Ltd for the continued operation of the Centre until 2031.


7.  That feasibility work on the long-term future of the Centre and all alternative options and provision continues.


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