Agenda item
Consideration of proposed Lighting and Greening Strategies and project plans for Maidstone town centre
- Meeting of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Policy Advisory Committee, Wednesday 6th March, 2024 6.30 pm (Item 135.)
- View the background to item 135.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report and stated that the proposed lighting and greening strategies were part of the overall Town Centre Strategy (TCS) and would be supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funding and Section 106 monies. The Leader highlighted the importance of lighting in promoting security and appearance of heritage assets in the town at night and drew attention to the illustrations of proposed greening in the report which would improve public interaction in key areas. The report provided an outline of the projects proposed, but further work was needed to determine the exact delivery and costs associated.
Committee expressed support for the proposals and questioned the
strategies implementation and future maintenance arrangements,
including mitigating actions for anti-social behaviour. In response
to queries:
The Leader stated that:
· There would be a growth item in next year’s revenue budget to support overall maintenance. Careful consideration was given to ensuring appropriate choices and placement of plants, particularly in the town centre, to protect existing utilities and ease of maintenance;
· Research would be conducted into the technology available to support the use of solar and mains electric alternatives where possible, in areas where mains power supply was difficult to obtain; and
Head of Environmental Services and Public Realm stated
· Extensive work went into maintaining existing planters, which included regular watering and the condensing and swapping of plants for hardier plants in the Winter months;
· Anti-social behaviour had been an issue previously, but that the team worked closely with the Community Protection Team (CPT) and Town Centre Task Force in considering future locations for infrastructure provision. Town Centre Street Scene (TCSS) meetings included the relevant Cabinet Member, High Street Ward Members and Green Spaces Manager. The relevant Cabinet Member would be asked to review the TCSS attendees to include the Ward Members for the area covered by the Lighting and Greening Strategies.
Several Members raised concerns on how the programme of works would be reviewed as it developed, with amending recommendation four of the report considered to allow for further Committee input. Following the Leader’s assurance that if the relevant Officer and Leader were not in agreement with the proposal, the matter would be presented to the Committee for consideration, the Committee were content with the recommendation as proposed for expediency in project delivery.
A programme of works for 2024/5 to bring MBC’s
existing lighting infrastructure in the town centre to modern
standards and to improve lighting in the town centre as set out
section 3 of the report, be approved;
A programme of works for 2024/5 to improve greening
and the public realm in the town centre as set out in section 4 of
the report, be approved;
A budget totalling £600,000 for the programme
of lighting and greening works as set out in section 5 of the
report be approved;
Responsibility for delivering the programme of works
and projects be delegated to the Director of Strategy, Governance and Insight in consultation with the
Leader of the Council; and
5. Officers will continue to develop a further programme of work for lighting, greening and open spaces in the town centre consistent with the relevant strategy and identify further funding opportunities, be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Consideration of proposed Lighting and Greening Strategies and project plans for Maidstone town centre, item 135. PDF 318 KB View as HTML (135./1) 112 KB
- Appendix A: Above Ground Greening Proposals, item 135. PDF 622 KB View as HTML (135./2) 20 KB