Issue - decisions

MKIP Business Transformation Programme - Review of Volume and Bespoke Printing

04/12/2009 - MKIP Business Transformation Programme - Review of Volume and Bespoke Printing

1.  That the Head of Legal Services be given delegated authority to enter into a contract for the supply of externally printed materials on the most favourable terms achievable.


2.  That the introduction of shared provision for graphic design support, subject to the formal agreement of the other MKIP partner (in this case Tunbridge Wells), be agreed.


3.  That the approach outlined below (under the subheading ‘Approach to reducing the volume of printed material produced including consolidation of budgets’) to reduce the volume of printed material being produced, be endorsed.


4.  That all spend for printing and/or graphics be authorised by the Head of Communications be agreed.


5.  That, should the review of internal print room facilities across MKIP demonstrate that efficiencies are achievable by consolidating the number of facilities without risk to the delivery of the service, the Director of Resources and Partnerships be granted delegated authority to progress such an approach.