Issue - decisions

Corporate Planning Timetable

16/08/2013 - Corporate Planning Timetable

1.  That the Strategic Plan be updated for 2014/15 to include:-


§  A review of all the outcomes and associated actions;

§  A refresh of our priorities aligned to budget strategy;

§  An update of performance against the Key Performance

§  indicators;

§  An update of what was achieved in the year (in 2013/14 we…);

§  Commentary on the results of the residents survey and any actions to be undertaken;

§  An update to any local or national context where relevant; and

§  An update to the foreword.



2.  That the corporate planning timetable, as set out below, be agreed:-




August – November 2013

·Review of the Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) at Cabinet Away Days.

· Assessment of progress against priorities and outcomes

·  Prioritisation exercise with Cabinet

· Informal discussions with Cabinet

· Meetings with Heads of Service and officers

· Identification of savings and growth items

· Scrutiny Budget Working group to look at proposals

· Review of strategic risk management

·Revised Communication and Engagement Strategy

September to October 2013

·  Budget Consultation

·  Resident Survey

·  Corporate Peer Challenge

December 2013

·  Updated Strategic Plan and MTFS agreed for consultation by Cabinet

·  Service Managers draft service plans

January 2014

·  Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider updated Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy and make recommendations to Cabinet

February 2014

·  Cabinet consider Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy and recommend to Council

February 2014

·Council agree and adopt the Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy

·Service Managers to finalise service plans

April 2014

·  Implementation of the Updated Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy

·  All staff appraisals