Issue - decisions

Maidstone Enterprise Hub

20/12/2013 - Maidstone Enterprise Hub

a)  That the Enterprise Hub project be progressed;


b)  That the former Crown Post Office at 1 King Street be confirmed as the preferred location for the Enterprise Hub, as recommended by the Enterprise Hub Project Board;


c)  That the project be part funded to the sum of £700,000 by the Capital Programme;


d)  That a bid be submitted to KCC’s Workspace Kent Challenge Fund to support the Enterprise Hub project;


e)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Legal Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, to agree lease terms with the Landlord of 1 King Street;


f)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration and Communities to develop and agree the final design, specification and operational management plan for the Hub in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development;


g)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Legal Services to enter into a contract for the leasehold acquisition of 1 King Street (on terms to be agreed by the Director of Regeneration and Communities) subject to the bid to KCC being successful, and the Operational Management Plan being approved; and


h)  That, following a tender process, authority be given to the Head of Legal Services to enter into the necessary contracts for the refurbishment of 1 King Street, subject to g) above being completed.