Issue - decisions

Cobtree Estate Progress Report

15/04/2014 - Cobtree Estate Progress Report

1.  That the progress report on work being undertaken across the Cobtree Estate, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Cobtree Officer, be noted.


2.  That the Cobtree Manor Park events programme for 2014, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Cobtree Officer and as updated at the meeting, be approved.


3.  That a budget of £2,000 be allocated for the events programme for 2014.


4.  That agreement be given to the introduction of a charge of £3 per person for the events arranged for 2014 with the exception that where the events are for children the charge is per child and accompanying adults go free.


5.  That agreement be given to the Maidstone Leisure Centre taking on the handling of events bookings and that, in this connection, the Leisure Centre be allowed to take 10% of the charge referred to above as the handling fee and, where it is requested that tickets are posted, to charge an additional postal fee.


6.  That the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership be allowed to take on the running of the events programme for this year and to receive the proceeds outlined above to enable it to put on more events at Cobtree whilst accounting to the Officers for the running of these events.