Issue - decisions

Phase 3 Public Realm

22/03/2017 - Report of the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development - Phase 3 Public Realm

That Policy and Resources Committee be recommended to:


1.  Approve the change in scope from the original proposed project, to now include the southern end of Week Street;

2.  Approve the outline designs for all of Week Street and Gabriel’s Hill/Lower Stone Street with the exception of the suggested palette of tree species which do not comply with document HAP12; Urban Green Space.  In addition the 4 Ginkgo Biloba at the bottom of Gabriel’s Hill which should be removed and replaced with trees native to South East England as per HAP 12: Urban Green Space;

3.  Approve the proposed materials for hard landscaping only for Week Street and Gabriel’s Hill/Lower Stone Street;

4.  Approve the additional capital budget of £900k to cover the increased costs for the southern section of Week Street;

5.  Approve the proposed consultation materials and methodology but  further investigation should include more soft landscaping for the purposes of air quality mitigation and to be in keeping with the theme of the County Town of the Garden of England; and

6.  Approve the additional resources required for the ongoing cleansing and maintenance of the town centre.