Issue details

Parish Services Scheme

To consider the new Parish Services Scheme to replace the existing Concurrent Functions Grant Scheme.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Impact on two or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Department: Policy, Performance and Scrutiny

Contact: Ryan O'Connell Email:

Consultation process

The review began in January 2011 and has had consultation throughout including with parishes and KALC. The main consultation for the report will commenced in August with a presentation and question and answer session for all parish councils, followed by a formal consultation document on the new scheme which closed in November 2011. The report has been to Overview and Scrutiny and is due to go back in February prior to a decision being taken by the Cabinet Member.


All Parish Councils
Overview and Scrutiny (Communities and Corporate Services)

Representations should be made by: 7 February 2012

