Agenda Template



Date:       Wednesday 24 January 2024

Time:      6.30 pm

Venue:    Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone



Councillors Burton (Chairman), Cooper, Garten, Parfitt-Reid, Perry and Russell


The Chairman will assume that all Members will read the reports before attending the meeting. Officers are asked to assume the same when introducing reports.



Page No.



1.        Apologies for Absence




2.        Urgent Items




3.        Notification of Visiting Members




4.        Disclosures by Members or Officers




5.        Disclosures of Lobbying




6.        To consider whether any items should be considered in private due to the possible disclosure of exempt information




7.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 December 2023

1 - 4



8.        Presentation of Petitions (if any)




9.        Questions from Local Residents to the Leader or Individual Cabinet Member (as appropriate)




10.     Questions from Members to the Leader or Individual Cabinet Member (as appropriate)




11.     Matters Referred to the Cabinet for Reconsideration (if any)




12.     Issues Arising from Overview and Scrutiny (if any)




13.     Matters Referred to the Executive by another Committee (if any)




14.     Any Matter Relating to a Serious Service Failure or Nuisance (if any)




15.     Receipt of Written Representations from Members of the Council (if any)




16.     Cabinet Forward Plan

5 - 17



17.     River Medway Basin Task Force

18 - 31



18.     Provision of Wheeled Bins

32 - 46



19.     1,000 Homes Update

47 - 159



20.     Medium Term Financial Strategy – Capital Programme

160 - 182



21.     Council Tax Base 2024/25 and Collection Fund Adjustment

183 - 196



22.     Maidstone Leisure Centre

197 - 208



23.     Report Archbishops palace agreement for lease

209 - 219




To move that the public be excluded for the items set out in Part II of the Agenda because of the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reasons specified having applied the Public Interest Test.


Head of Schedule 12 A and Brief Description






Exempt Appendix to Item 22 - Maidstone Leisure Centre Operator Contract

3- Financial/Business Affairs


220 - 224




Exempt Appendix 23 - Archbishops palace agreement for lease

3 – Financial/Business Affairs

225 - 229





In order to ask a question at this meeting, please call 01622 602899 or email by 5 p.m. one clear working day before the meeting (i.e. by 5 p.m. on Monday 22 January 2024). You will need to provide the full text in writing.


If your question is accepted, you will be provided with instructions as to how you can access the meeting.


In order to make a statement in relation to an item on the agenda, please call 01622 602899 or email by 4 p.m. one clear working day before the meeting (i.e. by 4 p.m. on Monday 22 January 2024). You will need to tell us which agenda item you wish to speak on.


If you require this information in an alternative format please contact us, call 01622 602899 or email


To find out more about the work of the Committee, please visit the Council’s Website


