Scrutiny Coordinating Committee
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11 March 2015
Present: |
Councillor J.A. Wilson (Chairman), and Councillors Butler, English, Mrs Gooch, D Mortimer, Paterson and Springett |
33. Apologies
It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillor Mrs Stockell.
34. Notification of Visiting Members
There were no Visiting Members.
35. Disclosures by Members or Officers
There were no disclosures.
36. Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 November 2014
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2015
be agreed and duly signed by the Chairman.
37. Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs) Update
The Committee considered the Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs) report for the year to date.
The Committee was asked to highlight the recommendations or topics that required further investigation or a response. The following items were highlighted by the relevant Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman.
Community Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
· An update on the Play Area Strategy was overdue.
Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The following SCRAIPs had not been responded to by the responsible officer:
· ECD.150127.107.3 The Head of Environment and Public Realm reviews the process for reporting major noise disturbances that happen out of hours.
· ECD.150127.107.4 The Head of Environment and Public Realm circulates a guidance note to members regarding procedures for reporting major noise disturbances.
Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
· An update on the Mid Kent Improvement Partnership (MKIP) Planning Shared Service performance targets.
The Committee was informed that the response to the two outstanding recommendations for the Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been followed up on with the responsible officer.
It was agreed that brief updates on the Play Area Strategy and the Mid Kent Improvement Partnership should be given at the next meeting of the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee. The appropriate Officers and Cabinet Members should be invited for two, sequential, half hour slots.
RESOLVED: that updates on the Play Area Strategy and the Mid Kent improvement Partnership (MKIP) Planning Shared Service performance targets should be given at the next meeting of the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee. The appropriate Officers and Cabinet Members should be invited for two, sequential, half hour slots.
38. Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report
The Committee considered the Overview and Scrutiny annual report. It was felt that as this would be the final annual report, the report should include a final section explaining what would happen next in terms of the Council’s governance arrangements. The Committee agreed that this section should include a list of the topics and issues that the current Committee’s feel remain of the upmost importance and relevance for Maidstone. Members made a recommendation that the new Policy and Resources Committee considers the topics as part of its work programme in the next Municipal Year.
It was agreed that each Chairman would email their respective Committee members asking them to put forward topics for inclusion in this section. A draft of this report would be brought back to the Coordinating Committee’s next meeting.
Each Chairman would write an introduction to the report, giving an overview of the 2014-15 year for their Committee.
1. The Overview and Scrutiny annual report should include the following:
a. A final section to explain what will happen next in terms of the Council’s governance arrangements.
b. A list the topics and issues that the current Committee’s feel remain of the upmost importance and relevance for Maidstone.
c. A recommendation that the new Policy and Resources Committee considers the topics as part of its work programme in the next Municipal Year.
2. The Chairman of each Overview and Scrutiny Committee to write an introduction to the Annual Report, providing an overview of the past year for their Committee.
39. Future Work Programme
The Committee considered its future work programme.
It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged so that updates on the Play Area Strategy and the Mid Kent improvement Partnership (MKIP) Planning Shared Service performance targets could be given and the appropriate Officers and Cabinet Members should be invited for two, sequential, half hour slots.
Members recommended that the final draft of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual report should be brought back to the Coordinating Committee to be signed off.
1. A meeting be arranged so that updates on the Play Area Strategy and the Mid Kent improvement Partnership (MKIP) Planning Shared Service performance targets could be given and the appropriate Officers and Cabinet Members should be invited for two, sequential, half hour slots.
2. The final draft of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual report be brought back to the Coordinating Committee to be signed off.
40. Duration of meeting.
10.00am to 10.30am