Performance Tables
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
to performance ratings
Performance indicators are judged in two ways; firstly on whether performance has improved, been sustained or declined, compared to the same period in the previous year for example, 2014/15 quarter 3 out-turns will be compared against 2013/14 quarter 3 out-turns. This is known as Direction. Where there is no previous data no assessment of Direction can be made. The second way in which performance is assessed looks at whether an indicator has achieved the target set and is known as PI status. Some indicators will show an asterix (*) after the figure, these are provisional out-turns that are awaiting confirmation. Contextual indicators are not targeted but are given a direction. Indicators that are not due for reporting or where there is delay in data collection are not rated against targets or given a direction.
PI Status |
Target not achieved |
Target missed (within 10%) |
Target met |
No target to measure performance against |
Data Only |
Direction |
Performance has improved |
Performance has not changed / been sustained |
Performance has declined |
No previous performance to judge against |
For Maidstone to have a growing economy
Objective 1. A transport network that supports the local economy |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
PKG 002 |
Income from pay and display car parks per space |
£301.29 |
£291.15 |
£304.34 |
£333.00 |
£288.26 |
£928.49 |
£1029.49 |
Jeff Kitson |
PKG 007 |
Number of on-board Park & Ride bus transactions |
106,662 |
89,849.5 |
90,217 |
105,595 |
105,840 |
285,661 |
378,000 |
Jeff Kitson |
To date for 2014/15 this indicator has slightly missed the target each quarter. The annual target of 378,000 based on the 2013/14 annual out-turn which was 377,907, it is expected that the annual target this year will be marginally missed. |
Objective 2. A growing economy with rising employment, catering for a range of the skill sets to meet the demands of the local economy |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
E&S 001 |
Work experience placements delivered (by the Council) across the borough |
6 |
13 |
5 |
0 |
18 |
John Foster |
This quarter, officer time was devoted to building relationships with private sector businesses to raise the awareness of the value of work experience to young people. Previously efforts have been focused on offering work experience within the council, the new approach of working with businesses should create many more places than the Council could have offered. Maidstone Studios has been targeted as its home to some 20 businesses. A Council focussed work experience event will be held in partnership with Job Centre plus in the fourth quarter. |
E&S 002 |
Number of employers that have engaged with NEETs (not in education, employment or training) through MBC |
0 |
4 |
38 |
6 |
48 |
John Foster |
Funding has been allocated for a Saturday job scheme which will offer 16 and 17 year olds a 3 month placement within a business of their interest, commencing in April 2015. It will offer 24 placements in the district in the first year, with the intention for this scheme to be continued in subsequent years. Initially employers will be engaged to provide 3 month placements fully funded by the Kent Troubled Families Programme. Discussions have commenced with the Federation of Small Businesses as to how to promote this opportunity as widely as possible across a range of sectors. |
LVE 002 |
Percentage of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance |
1.8% |
1.5% |
1.3% |
1.2% |
2.5% |
1.2% |
2.5% |
John Foster |
We are still awaiting the release of the figures for December 2014. Compared to the other Kent districts, Tunbridge Wells has the lowest proportion of people claiming JSA at 0.7% and Thanet the highest proportion at 3.6%, Maidstone is currently 5th out of the twelve Kent authorities with 1,209 people claiming this benefit which equates to 1.2%. |
For Maidstone to be a decent place to live
Objective 3. Decent, affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
DCV 004 |
Processing of planning applications: Major applications (NI 157a) |
63.64% |
68.75% |
80.00% |
77.78% |
70.00% |
75.93% |
70.00% |
James Bailey |
DCV 005 |
Processing of planning applications: Minor applications (NI 157b) |
73.91% |
62.65% |
51.81% |
49.09% |
75.00% |
55.20% |
75.00% |
James Bailey |
To date for 2014/15 the Council has determined 221 minor planning applications compared to 257 at the same point in 2013/14. Performance has declined significantly compared to the quarter 3 period last year when 73.91% of minors determined were done so within the statutory timescales, to 49.09% for the currently quarter. Delivery issues with the new planning support service have impacted on this figure and there is currently a backlog of applications. Following the consideration of the quarter 2 performance report Cabinet are receiving monthly updates on the planning support service. Based on previous performance it is unlikely that the annual target will be achieved. |
DCV 006 |
Processing of planning applications: Other applications (NI 157c) |
88.26% |
80.00% |
69.12% |
68.10% |
85.00% |
73.03% |
85.00% |
James Bailey |
To date for 2014/15 the Council has determined 697 other planning applications, compared to 872 at the same point in 2013/14. As with minor planning applications performance has declined compared to 2013/14 and the implementation of the new planning support service has impacted on this indicator. At this stage it is possible that the annual target may only be slightly missed (with 10% of target) however, it is more likely that the annual target will not be achieved. |
HSG 001 |
Number of affordable homes delivered (gross) |
75 |
39 |
41 |
21 |
25 |
101 |
200 |
Andrew Connors |
Although the quarter 3 target has not been achieved this delivery programme for affordable homes is still on track to deliver the 200 affordable homes expected. Please note the target for this indicator is profiled to take into account the delivery programme and seasonal variations. |
HSG PS 003 |
Number of private sector homes improved |
68 |
70 |
52 |
45 |
45 |
122 |
180 |
Nigel Bucklow |
HSG PS 002 |
Number of private sector vacant dwellings that are returned into occupation or demolished |
22 |
38 |
17 |
44 |
15 |
99 |
60 |
Nigel Bucklow |
Objective 4. Continue to be a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the borough |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
DCE 001 |
Percentage of planning enforcement cases signed off within 21 days |
88% |
Data not provided |
Data not provided |
39.37% |
90% |
Data not provided |
90% |
James Bailey |
Due to the changes in the IT systems in planning this indicator is now very time consuming to gather data for and involves a lot of manual processing. As part of the new planning support service new indicators for the partnerships have been devised and it is proposed that this indicator is replaced with Percentage of enforcement case where inspection in undertaken within 21 days. A data cleansing exercise is being undertaken to ensure the quality of the data for the new indicator is robust for quarters one and two and will be reported in the Annual Performance Report. |
DEP 001 |
The percentage of relevant land and highways that is assessed as having deposits of litter that fall below an acceptable level (NI 195a) |
1.67% |
1.66% |
1.66% |
6.67% |
1.70% |
6.67% |
1.70% |
Jennifer Shepherd |
These quarterly results are disappointing and has shown a below acceptable standard of cleansing and poor public perception of street cleansing. The areas of the borough that had falling below an acceptable standard has been visited and rectified. Currently a review of street cleansing is being undertaken and changes to the current working practises will address these issues and provide an improved standard of cleansing and public perception. |
WCN 001 |
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting (NI 192) |
45.95% |
51.50% |
51.23% |
47.77% |
50.00% |
50.22% |
50.00% |
Jennifer Shepherd |
WCN 004 |
Total waste arising per household (Kgs) |
225.07 |
212.58 |
205.39 |
206.25 |
643.04 |
825.00 |
Jennifer Shepherd |
DEP 007 |
Percentage of fly-tipping reports responded to within one working day |
99.77% |
97.54% |
98.85% |
97.93% |
99.00% |
98.08% |
99.00% |
Jennifer Shepherd |
Objective 5. Residents in Maidstone are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are, vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
HSG 005 |
Number of households prevented from becoming homeless through the intervention of housing advice |
74 |
118 |
50 |
64 |
87 |
232 |
350 |
Ellie Kershaw |
Whilst still below target the number of preventions has increased from quarter 2. This is was expected with the implementation of the triage system, going forward a further rise is expected as the system becomes more embedded and CSAs become more confident in the service. It is difficult to predict if the target for this indicator will be achieved as in previous years quarter 4 has often been the best performing however it is dependent on how many people present to the Council as homeless. It is likely that the annual target will not be achieved and will be missed by 10% or more. |
HSG 009 |
Average length of stay in temporary accommodation (those leaving TA) |
73.7 days |
48.4 days |
46.0 days |
57.6 days |
55.0 days |
57.6 days |
Ellie Kershaw |
MFM 001a |
Number of families accepted on the Maidstone Families Matter programme (to date) |
2 |
178 |
217 |
275 |
45 |
275 |
189 |
Ellie Kershaw |
MFM 001b |
Percentage of those accepted to the Maidstone Families Matter programme that have been engaged with (Rolling) |
850.00%* |
55.06% |
81.57% |
74.55% |
60.00% |
71.64% |
60.00% |
Ellie Kershaw |
*Quarter 3 2013/14 shows an unusually high out-turn, this is because during this period only two families were accepted onto the programme whilst those accepted previously were engaged with. |
R&B 004 |
Time taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events (NI 181) |
10.29 |
9.98 |
9.65 |
9.78 |
10.00 |
9.80 |
10.00 |
Steve McGinnes |
Corporate & customer excellence
Objective 6. Services are customer focused and and residents are satisfied with them |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
CTC 001 |
The average wait time for calls into the Contact Centre |
95.00 seconds |
149.00 seconds |
112.00 seconds |
80.00 seconds |
120.00 seconds |
113.67 seconds |
120.00 seconds |
Sandra Marchant |
CTC 002 |
Percentage of Visitors to the Gateway responded to by a CSA within 20 minutes |
80.56% |
76.2% |
84.55% |
84.11% |
75% |
81.6% |
75% |
Sandra Marchant |
R&B 009 |
Overall satisfaction with the benefits service |
88.98% |
91.15% |
90.24% |
93.64% |
85% |
91.62% |
85% |
Steve McGinnes |
PIT 001 |
Percentage of complaints resolved within the specified timescale |
91.3% |
95.6% |
93.49% |
85.32% |
95% |
92.86% |
95% |
Angela Woodhouse |
PIT 002 |
Satisfaction with complaint handling |
36.17% |
54.39% |
.00% |
26.09% |
45.00% |
35.83% |
45.00% |
Angela Woodhouse |
The response rate has increased since the previous quarter to 41.4%. However satisfaction is very low. The reasons for this are unclear and respondents are dissatisfied with the handling of their complaints for nearly all services. The only services that received feedback that wasn't negative were the Depot and Economic Development, however both of these services only received one survey response. |
Objective 7. Effective, cost efficient services are delivered across the borough |
PI Ref |
Indicator Description |
Q3 2013/14 |
Q1 2014/15 |
Q2 2014/15 |
Q3 2014/15 |
Q4 2014/15 |
2014/15 |
Responsible Officer |
D |
YTD Status |
Value |
Target |
Value |
Target |
BIM 003a |
Percentage of customer contacts made in person in the Gateway |
7.67% |
6.90% |
7.20% |
6.06% |
7.40% |
6.72% |
7.30% |
Georgia Hawkes |
BIM 003b |
Percentage of customer contacts made online by visiting the councils website |
72.85% |
75.47% |
73.59% |
78.01% |
74.50% |
75.68% |
75.00% |
Georgia Hawkes |
BIM 003c |
Percentage of customer contacts made by phone through the contact centre |
19.49% |
17.63% |
19.22% |
15.93% |
18.00% |
17.60% |
17.70% |
Georgia Hawkes |
BIM 004 |
Change in number of out-going post items 2014/15 |
14.04% |
11.40% |
24.35% |
10% |
16.07% |
10.00% |
Georgia Hawkes |
There has been an increase of 45,212 postal items for the year to date compared with the same period in 2013/14. The increase is thought to be partly due to the changes with electoral registration, the sending of more poll cards by post and the new planning support service - this deals with applications from all MKIP authorities. Other service areas, for example Council tax has reduced their out-going post. At this stage it is expected that the annual target will not be achieved. |
R&B 005 |
Percentage of Non-domestic Rates Collected (BV 010) |
87.82% |
33.64% |
59.23% |
85.57% |
84.48% |
85.57% |
97.80% |
Steve McGinnes |
R&B 006 |
Percentage of Council Tax collected (BV 009) |
86.74% |
29.30% |
58.10% |
86.50% |
86.79% |
86.50% |
98.30% |
Steve McGinnes |
WCN 006 |
Missed bins |
98.5 |
37.6 |
41.0 |
25.2 |
30.0 |
34.6 |
30.0 |
Jennifer Shepherd |
The quarterly target for this indicator has been achieved for the first time since the new waste contract commenced. Based on performance for the year to date the annual target is unlikely to be met and the target will either be marginally missed (within 10%) or not achieved. |
HRO 001/BV 12 |
Working Days Lost Due to Sickness Absence (rolling year) (BV 12) Maidstone |
8.51 days |
7.46 days |
8.36 days |
9.59 days |
8.00 days |
9.59 days |
8.00 days |
Dena Smart |
Long-term sickness increased at the end of quarter 2 and is currently over target at 6.68 days per employee. The majority of people in this category have now returned to work and those which remain off work are being managed through occupational health. Short-term sickness is currently performing under target at 2.91 days per employee. It is expected that the annual target will not be achieved. |
BIM 002 |
Percentage of financial transactions not carried out on-line or by direct debit/standing order |
8.28% |
8.7% |
8.65% |
7.42% |
10% |
8.26% |
10% |
Paul Riley |