Item 18, Page 133                       EDEN BARN, VICARAGE ROAD, YALDING, KENT





Reference number: 14/505603:


The applicant is concerned that one of the reasons cited requiring referral of the application to the Planning Committee was that the Parish Council objected to the application.


The comments of the Parish Council are set out in paragraph 5.01 of the report where it states that though it is very disappointed at the loss of this small, commercial building, subject to the planning officer being assured that all possible options have been pursued, including its marketing for commercial use, the Parish Council has no comment.


As my report (a) accepts the findings of the market testing carried out by the applicants and (b) in these circumstances the Parish Council advises that it has no comment to make, the Parish Councils concerns set out above are though negative in tone, nevertheless cannot be construed as objecting to the application.


My recommendation is unchanged