Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Meeting, Minute & Date |
Recommendation |
Due Date |
Executive Decision Maker |
Response |
Lead Officer |
SLCS.150106.96.1 |
That the Draft Strategic Plan be noted, and the following amendments referenced in discussion between Members, the Leader of the Council and Head of Policy and Communications be requested:
1. A reference to be made to the river within the 'Ensuring there are good leisure and cultural attractions' priority. 2. Under the heading 'Respecting the Character of the Borough', delete 'which aside from Tovil are rural' at the end of the second sentence, and for the third point under 'We Mean' to be amended to read 'Respecting our Heritage and Natural Environment'. 3. Under 'Ensuring there are good Leisure and Cultural Attractions' to include reference to the river and for the sentence to read '...a well-used leisure centre, a castle, various markets and a variety of festivals and events held through the year and across the Borough'. 4. Under 'Enhancing the Appeal of the Town Centre for Everyone', to include the phrase 'for leisure' after 'popular place' and before 'to live' in the last sentence. 5. In the bacjground data provided, the results of academic year 2011/2012 to be replaced and updated with the most recently available data, and for the graphs to be made larger with the colour labelling made clearer. 6. For Maidstone's rating within the 'Halifax Best Places to Live' survey to be referenced in the introduction to the Strategic Plan 2015/2020. |
02-Mar-2015 |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services |
Angela Woodhouse |
SLCS.150106.98.2 |
That it be noted that Members were in active support of Officers in finding options that mitigate the financial risk to the Council while achieving strategic objectives, and request an update from the Head of Housing and Community Services on this issue. |
02-Mar-2015 |
John Littlemore |
SLCS.150106.98.3 |
That Officers be requested to produce Member Development sessions on strategic risk with a view to these being incorporated into new Member inductions commencing from elections in May 2015, and rolled out to all Members. |
02-Mar-2015 |
Russell Heppleston |
SLCS.150106.99.2 |
That the Head of Finance and Resources be requested to ascertain whether income was generated through photography of artefacts in the Museum, and for this information to be circulated to Members outside of the Committee. |
02-Mar-2015 |
Paul Riley |
SLCS.150112.109 |
That Maidstone Borough Council Cabinet be requested to consider and respond to the recommendations which have arisen from the joint study of MKIP governance and communications which were approved by the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee subject to the following amendments:
i. That recommendation (a) be amended to read: That opportunities for pre-scrutiny should be provided within existing governance arrangements at each authority prior to any new shared service proposals being considered at a tri-Cabinet meeting (i.e. after MKIP Board consideration, if not before);
ii. That an additional recommendation be added under the 'governance' section, namely: (n) That given the change in governance arrangements at Maidstone Borough Council from May 2015, that consequential amendments be made to reflect the absorption of the Overview and Scrutiny function within the Policy and Resources Committee and three other service committees. |
03-Mar-2015 |
Cabinet |
Caroline Matthews |