Appendix A Case Study Street Pop

Safer Maidstone Partnership

Case Study: Street Population



·                Female, white, aged 26. Born in Maidstone.

·                Homeless since she was 18 years old.

·                Long term substance misuse, heroin, alcohol and legal highs, street begging, shoplifting, prostitution.

·                Gave birth to 2 children since becoming homeless, who are monitored by Social Services and in custody of the grandmother.

·                Father of children known to Offender Management group with history of criminal activity and long term substance misuse.

·                Housed by Hyde Housing, but lost tenancy due to substance misuse issues.

·                Over the past 10 years, female engaged intermittently with service providers, e.g. detox programmes, but never completed, disengaging and returning to the streets.


In 2014, the female:

·                Engaged with the Maidstone Assertive Outreach team (including Maidstone Borough Council, Kent Police, CRI, Day Care Centre, Sexual Health and Jobcentre Plus). The group engaged and monitored the female on weekly basis, providing support and advice.

·                Attended the Winter Shelter.

·                Was excluded from the town centre for street begging, ASB, street drinking, as part of a Police dispersal order.

·                Regularly attended the Day Care Centre for support and meals.

·                Attended CRI’s detox programme and was stabilised for 10 days, choosing to stay with her Aunt.


In 2015, the female:

·                Entered CRI’s detox programme. Currently taking a Heroin substitute (Methadone).

·                Entered supported accommodation at Lilysmith House – 2 year contract has been offered.

·                Allocated a key worker to provide support.

·                Needs a wraparound support programme as the risk of ‘boredom’ could disengage female.

·                Regular attends the Day Care Centre for support and meals.

·                Registered with a GP.

·                Benefits reviewed, including a back dated payment which will provide money for a deposit to secure accommodation.

·                Regular monitoring by Maidstone Street Population group.

·                Supervised visit with children to Kent Life being organised through Social Services. Local beautician has offered to provide a ‘make over’ and ahead of the visit.

·                Now looking to the future and starting to think about what she wants from it.