150428- SCRAIP End of Year Update Report


Maidstone Borough Council


Economic and Commercial Development

Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 28 April 2015


Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP) end of year report.


Report of: Orla Sweeney, Overview and Scrutiny Officer



1.      Introduction


1.1        The Committee have made a number of recommendations throughout the 2014-15 municipal year via the SCRAIP process. Recommendations are managed using the Council’s performance management system, Covalent. Each recommendation is assigned to an officer to respond to via this means.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1        That the Committee reviews the recommendations it has made in the report at Appendix A.


2.2        The Committee considers the responses made to the recommendations and whether or not any further action is required.  If further action is required the Committee should make this recommendation to the appropriate Committee within the new Committee system. This will take effect at the start of the 2015-16 municipal year.


3.      Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP) Responses


3.1    The issue of making, and monitoring, recommendations is an important part of the scrutiny process.  SCRAIPs set out recommendations following scrutiny meetings and reviews.  Recommendations are assigned to officers or the executive via Covalent.  This system tracks whether or not a recommendation has been accepted and the action, if any, required to implement it.


3.2    Maidstone Borough Council will move from the current Executive function, a system of governance that includes a Leader and Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny function, to a Committee system (pursuant to Section 9KC Local Government Act 2000).  This decision was taken on 10 December 2014 at the Council meeting.   





4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of         the Council’s priorities. 


4.2     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the     following priorities:


·         For Maidstone to have a growing economy; and

·         For Maidstone to be a decent place to live.


5.      Relevant Documents


5.1     Appendix A – SCRAIP report


6.      Background Documents


6.1     None