14 504328_update

Item 15, Page 69                                                        THE OLD PLANTATION, BEARSTED

Ref No 14/504328/FULL                               


The Residents Group has written a further letter of objection. They have seen the latest viability report from Porters. They are not aware of who made the £!5,000 lease offer. The residents had expressed an interest in leasing the pub in March but the owner did not wish to enter into an agreement at that stage. Mr Coomber, on behalf of the residents, has produced an analysis of viability (enclosed with the residents’ letter). That analysis refutes the idea that the pub is not a viable venture. It includes the statement “[Mr Coomber’s} ‘worst case’ financial projections attached indicate an initial ££88,500 net profit before rent and landlord’s salary which should certianly rise considerably if the pub were to be well run.”


The agents confirm that high quality materials and landscaping would be used and that ecological enhancements could be incorporated into the scheme. They point out that the issue of sustainable construction is now covered by Building Regulations.  The properties would in effect be constructed to a good Code 3 level under Building Regulations and something closer to Code 4 would in effect be achieved.



OFFICER COMMENT: I wish to add conditions and informatives to my recommendation:


Add conditions as follows:


(9)        Before development commences, with regard to the site frontage to Plantation Lane, full details of the proposed land levels to the front garden areas and at the point of access to the highway shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority;


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in order to protect the setting of the listed building.


(10)      Before development commences, full details of the proposed visibility splays to the point of access to the highway shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved visibility splays shall be formed before the first occupation of the dwellings hereby approved and shall subsequently be maintained in the approved condition;


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


(11)      Before development commences a scheme of ecological enhancement works shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority (including a timetable for implementation). The scheme shall include:


Swift and bat bricks within the new units;

Incorporation of wildlife friendly drainage;

Retention of cord-wood within quiet corners of the site;

Incorporation of gaps at the base of fences to allow hedgehogs and other wildlife to continue to move through the site.

Reason: In the interests of ecology.

Add informatives as follows:

(1)        The landscaping scheme submitted pursuant to condition 4 above should include: strong native boundary hedgerows of hawthorn, hazel, holly and wild plum with occasional hedgerow trees such as oak and field maple. Further there should be informal groupings of native and fruit trees within the application site.

(2)        In terms of materials pursuant to condition 3 above, the Council expects high quality materials including locally-sourced stock brickwork and clay tiles.