Item 16, Page 138                  Land North of Grigg Lane, Headcorn, Kent


Add condition (Highways):          

No part of the development shall be occupied until the Grigg Lane footway works and access works, as shown on drawing number PL-GH-ALP rev D; received on 22.07.2015 under planning application 12/1949, has been constructed, completed and provided with its final external surface.

Reason: In the interests of highways and pedestrian saftey.

Add condition (renewable energy):

Details of a scheme to provide sources of renewable energy including solar power shall be submitted to the LPA with the application for approval of reserved matters and the approved details shall be implemented before the development is first occupied.

Reason: to achieve a sustainable form and energy efficient form of development.

Amendment to report

Paragrapgh 14.2 to be amended to read:

‘The adjoining site to the north (14/503960/OUT) would be access via Lenham Road’.