Sent: 14 May 2015 22:10
To: Lorraine Neale; Licensing (MBC)
Subject: RE: Objection to the License Renewal for Players Strip Club in Maidstone
Dear Lorraine,
Please see my amended objection below.
Thank you.
I am writing in objection to the 'Application of renewal of a Sex
Establishment License in pursuant to Schedule 3 Local Government
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982' for Players Club on Maidstone High
Street, ME14 1SY.
As a young local resident I have a few primary objections to the club:
1. Each time I have walked passed the mentioned premises on an evening out I
always get harassed by the men outside. I feel that Sexual Entertainment
Venues encourage sexism and directly contribute to sexual harassment. I don't
feel safe everytime I walk by the venue--and it's so central in Maidstone that
it's very hard to avoid. And during the daytime, if I pass by, I'm reminded of
being harassed in the evenings.
2. Increased sexual harassment means that Maidstone's Streets are not safe for
women. I would like Maidstone to discourage sexism and promote women's safety.
This should be a council priority.
3. I am concerned about the exploitation of women at the venue. It is known
that where ever there are SEVs, there is an increase in women trafficked for
exploitation. Is this the kind of town that Maidstone aspires to be?
4. Strip Clubs, Brothels, etc. remind the world that women exist purely for
men's sexual gratification. They are totally objectifying and the counter-act
any attempts to achieve gender equality. Obviously this has a negative impact
on my self esteem and it sends out a negative message about women to girls,
women and men.
I would feel safer and happier if Maidstone put women's equality and women's
safety first.
Many London Councils (and Tonbridge, too) have adopted the legislation and
restricted SEVs opening. I hope that Maidstone will also do the same.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please find my e-mail and address below.