Appendix IV
Maidstone Borough Council
Proposal for Public Space Protection Order in Maidstone (town centre and surrounding areas)
Draft Questionnaire
Public Space Protection Order in Maidstone Consultation
Maidstone Borough Council is consulting on a proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Maidstone town centre and surrounding areas (see the marked area in the map below). This will allow the Council to introduce a range of measures to address anti-social behaviour (ASB) issues and help to improve community safety and the local environment in this area.
We would like to hear your views, so please complete this questionnaire by midnight on 25 January 2016 and return it to: Public Space Protection Order Consultation, Nicolas Rathbone, Community Safety Unit, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone Kent ME15 6JQ.
There is more information about this consultation and an on-line version of this questionnaire that you can find at:
If you have any further questions please email Maidstones Community Safety Unit at: or call 01622 602658.
Proposed Public Space Protection Order area (area marked within green boundary line)
How to complete this questionnaire
Please use a black or blue pen.
· Please read each question carefully and cross a box to indicate your answer for example, x
· If you make a mistake, just shade in the box and put a cross in the one you want.
· Some questions may ask you to write in a box. Please try to keep your answer within the space provided.
· If there are any questions you do not wish to answer, please feel free to leave them blank.
· If you are under 16 years of age, please ask your parent/guardian to add their signature at the end of this questionnaire.
Q1 About you responding as a ? (please tick all that apply) |
Local resident who lives in the marked area on the map (see page 3) |
Local resident who lives outside the marked area on the map (see page 3) |
Person who works in the marked area on the map (see page 3) |
Local business owner/manager |
Street entertainer in the marked area on the map (see page 3) |
Visitor to the marked area on the map (e.g. shopper, tourist) |
Local Borough, Parish or County Councillor |
Representative of a local community or voluntary group (Please state the name of the group below)
Other (Please state below)
Q2 How often do you visit the marked area on the map (see page 3) in Maidstone? |
I live in the marked area on the map |
Within the last six months |
Almost every day |
Within the last year |
At least once a week |
Longer ago |
About once a month |
Never visited |
Q3 What do you use Maidstone town centre for? (Please select all that apply) |
Shopping |
Family events and activities |
Bars/nightlife |
Tourist attractions |
Restaurants/cafes |
Work in Maidstone |
Entertainment/shows |
Other |
Other, please explain |
Q4 How safe do you feel when outside DURING THE DAY in the area marked on the map? (see page 3). Please cross only one option. |
Very safe |
Very unsafe |
Fairly safe |
Dont know |
Neither safe nor unsafe |
Not here during the day |
If you answered fairly unsafe or very unsafe please tell us the reasons why.
Q5 How safe do you feel when outside in the EARLY EVENING (between 5.00pm-8.00pm) in the area marked on the map? (see page 3). Please cross only one option. |
Very safe |
Very unsafe |
Fairly safe |
Dont know |
Neither safe nor unsafe |
Not here during the early evening |
If you answered fairly unsafe or very unsafe please tell us the reasons why.
Q6 How safe do you feel when outside AFTER DARK in the area marked on the map? (see page 3). Please cross only one option. |
Very safe |
Very unsafe |
Fairly safe |
Dont know |
Neither safe nor unsafe |
Not here during the after dark |
If you answered fairly unsafe or very unsafe please tell us the reasons why.
Q7 How much of a problem, if at all, do you think each of the following are to people living or working in or visiting the marked area on the map? (see page 3). |
A very big problem |
A fairly big problem |
Not a very big problem |
Not a problem at all |
Dont know/no opinion |
People being drunk of rowdy in public spaces |
People (e.g. beggars) loitering in a public place |
People using or smoking legal highs in public |
People lying in or sleeping in a public place |
Other please write in the space below
Q8 How have any of these issues or activities affected you in either a positive or negative way over the last 12 months when you have been in the area of Maidstone town centre and surrounding areas marked on the map? (see page 3). |
As mentioned, Maidstone Borough Council is considering a proposal to introduce a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the area marked on the map on page 3. This will allow the Council to use a range of measures to address anti-social behaviour issues and improve public spaces in this area. |
Measure 1: Introduction of No Alcohol Zones The PSPO proposes a prohibition on the drinking of alcohol within the specified area (see map on page 3), other than within the curtilage of public houses or licensed premises. A person seen to be consuming alcohol in this area will be in breach of the Order. An authorised officer will in the first instance explain to them that they are in a No Alcohol Zone and request them to stop drinking the alcohol and/or ask them to surrender alcohol in open containers. If the same person is seen consuming alcohol again within a reasonable time in a No Alcohol Zone after having already been advised and warned, a Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued to them. |
Do you support the use of a Public Space Protection Order to introduce No Alcohol Zones in the area outlined on the map? (see page 3). This would include streets, green areas and other public areas but not public houses, licensed premises or pavement cafes. Please cross only one option. |
Yes |
No |
Dont know |
Please say why
Measure 2: Deterring unauthorised collecting of money on the street or loitering for such purpose The Council is considering using the Public Space Protection Order to deter unauthorised street collections and begging. This measure means that no one will be able to make verbal, non-verbal or written requests for money or financial donations unless they are authorised e.g. authorised charity collections. |
Do you support the use of a Public Space Protection Order to deter the unauthorised collecting of money in public spaces and streets in the area marked on the map on page 3? Please cross only one option. |
Yes |
No |
Dont know |
Please say why
Measure 3: Deterring the use of psychoactive substances (Legal Highs) The Council is proposing to bring in measures to stop individuals using psychoactive substances, referred to as Legal Highs and to make it an offence to possess items used to administer such substances. This does not include tobacco or prescription medicine. |
Do you support the use of a Public Space Protection Order to deter people using or carrying items used to administer Legal Highs in public spaces in the area marked on the map on page 3? Please cross only one option. |
Yes |
No |
Dont know |
Please say why
Measure 4: Deterring people from lying in or sleeping on the street The Council is proposing to use the Public Space Protection Order to deter any person from sleeping in public spaces (either in the open air or within a vehicle or other non-fixed structure e.g. caravan or tent) without prior permission. This will include shop doorways and car parks. A small number of people have been found lying or sleeping in public spaces in Maidstone town centre and surrounding areas. The Councils primary concern is to keep people safe and in particular, to offer advice and assistance to those who find themselves without accommodation and who may be vulnerable. Officers will signpost those found lying or sleeping in public spaces without permission to local services and agencies that may be able to help them. However, there are some people lying or sleeping in the street who do not wish to engage with the support services offered to them, are resistant to accepting any advice or assistance and who sometimes have accommodation.
The Order will make it an offence for these individuals to continue to lie or sleep in the street but this will only be enforced as a measure of last resort and individual circumstances will always be taken into consideration. |
Do you support the use of a Public Space Protection Order to deter people lying or sleeping in public spaces without prior permission in the area marked on the map on page 3? Please cross only one option. |
Yes |
No |
Dont know |
Please say why
Q9 Do you have any further comments to make about any of these proposals? |
Thank you for responding
Safer Maidstone Partnership
About You The following questions are to help us understand how a Public Space Protection Order would impact different groups of people. You can leave blank any questions that you do not want to answer. You do not have to provide your name and we will keep all of your information secure and strictly confidential. However, if you are happy to be contacted regarding this consultation, please feel free to provide your name and either a telephone number or email address. Note: If you are answering on behalf of a community or voluntary group, then you dont need to complete this section. |
What is your postcode? |
Are you? Male Female
Age group. Please cross one option only.
I am under 16 Signature of parent/guardian: . ...
Are your day to day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? This includes problems related to old age. Please cross one option only.
Yes No
Please tell us about any disabilities that you may have. Please cross all that apply.
Physical impairment that causes mobility issues (e.g. wheelchair user)
Mental health issues
Learning disability or difficulty
Visual impairment
Hearing impairment
Long-standing illness or health condition
Other please tell us in the box below:
What is your religion? Please cross one option only.
Prefer not to say
Other (Please state below)
What is your ethnic background? Please cross one option only.
English/Welsh/Scottish/N. Irish/British
Any other White background (Please state):
Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background (Please state): .
Black or Black British
Any other Black background (Please state):
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background (Please state): .. ..
Travelling community
Traveller of Irish descent
Other member of the travelling community (Please state):
Other ethnic group
Other ethnic group (Please state): . .
Name |
Telephone Number/Email Address |
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please return it by post or hand to the following address by midnight on 25 January 2016.
Public Space Protection Order Consultation, Nicolas Rathbone, Community Safety Unit, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone Kent ME15 6JQ.