Item 7.5a Health inequalities report TWBC Year One for WKHWBB Dec 2016




Marmot (2010) main policy objective



2016 update report

Change from Baseline to current reporting

Primary Agency/Agencies

Self Harm - per 100,000

Objective: Reduce risk taking behaviours in young people (per 100,000)



(2014 Health Profile)


Hospital stays for self harm, Per 100,000




263.3 Nov


(2015 health profile)


Hospital stays for self harm per 100,000

There has been an increase in the rate of hospital stays for self harm per 100,000 people.


The Tunbridge wells rate is consistently higher than the England rate.


Excess winter deaths

Objective: Reduce fuel poverty by supporting development of warm homes



(2014 Health Profile)


This figure is the local number. The local value is 27.6. Excess winter deaths (three year)




61.3 Nov


(2015 Health Profile)


This figure is the local number. The local value is 21 (excess winter deaths (three years)



There has been a decrease in the number of excess winter deaths.


The rate is now just below the England average, having been above it for four consecutive years


Falls Prevention - Hospital admissions for falls per 100,000 population

Objective: Support older people to live safe, independent and fulfilled lives


 Hospital admissions for falls per 100,000 population during 2013/14 (Older People Health & Social Health & Social care maps).


117 Hip fractures in people aged 65+ (2014 Health Profile)


Nov (Health and Social Care Maps)





127 Hip Fractures (2015 Health Profile)

There has been a decrease in the rate of falls


There has been an increase in the number of hip fractures


West Kent CCG/ Good Neighbour

Child and Adult Obesity - Year 6 (age 11) (Obese)

Objectives: Promote healthy weight for children.

Reduce the gap in health inequalities across the social gradient.



2014 Health Profile





(2015 Health Profile)

There was a decrease in the percentage of children who are obese at year 6

TWBC Health Team/ Healthy Schools/ School Nurses

Smoking Related Deaths

Objective: Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention

19.3% (227/ 100,000)


2014 Health Profile




(2015 Health Profile)

There was a slight decrease in the rate of smoking related deaths

KCHFT Stop Smoking Service

Alcohol Misuse - Hospital stays for alcohol related harm

Hospital stays for alcohol related harm

Objective: Support safe communities


 This figure is the local number.

The local value is 470

(2014 Health Profile)



This is the local    number.

The local value is 498


(2015 Health Profile)

There was an increase in the number of hospital stays for alcohol related harm

Community Safety Unit




Priority 1 Self Harm




Latest Note

To support families in turning their lives around through targeted and intensive support of Families First

Support with key health and social issues affecting them

30 families have been worked with through the troubled families funding.

To provide timely and appropriate advice and support with issues and concerns that are affecting individuals through the Health Help Now App in West Kent

No. of site visits

The number of visits as at the end of May for the website for the county was 134,068 and for the app it was 9,374, with 1286 allocated to the west Kent area.

To provide support for the issue of mental health (including self harm) in 4 schools (minimum), in areas of high need using a range of intervention methods including whole school approach, staff training, one-to-one and group work; supporting a reduction in emergency admissions for self harm in under 18s.

No. of Schools and individuals worked with.

Improved emotional wellbeing, attendance, attainment and behaviour change among young people receiving a direct intervention.

Referrals to partners such as Troubled Families and Child Adolescent Mental Health Services.

Currently working with Skinners Kent Academy, St Gregory’s, St Matthews, Temple Grove Academy and Hawkhurst Primary.


12 young people supported on 1:1 sessions and 44 YP supported in group therapy.

Completed pre and post intervention SDQs from 10 YP have indicated improvements in emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity and therefore total difficulties following completion of sessions. An improvement in prosocial behaviour was also noted.

To increase awareness of youth suicide and mental health problems, through SAFE spaces, assemblies, PSHE lessons, training and signposting that will support a reduction in emergency admissions for self harm in adults and under 18s.

Increased awareness of youth suicide amongst YP

Increased awareness of the danger signs of mental health difficulties among YP

Increased awareness of the needs of YP with mental health issues among external professionals

Captured by pre and post intervention analysis

Currently working with TWGGS and Skinners. End of year report available in April.

To offer safe support and advice to vulnerable people late at night.



Q1 = 880 Q2 = 1105 Q3 = 899 Q4 = 731

 Number of ambulances called:

Q1 = 2 Q2 & 3 = 0 Q4 = 1

 Police Call Outs:

Q1 = 14 Q2 = 10 Q3 = 6 Q4 = 1

To provide weekly art therapy to those with mental health issues, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioural problems through ‘Mindwell’

Improved social skills and co-ordination for participants

Regular 20+ attendees at the morning session taking place at Trinity Art Centre, group now being extended to afternoons taking place at Grosvenor and Hilbert Park Hub.

To provide help to people with mental health conditions through books on prescription, as wells the mental health benefits of reading for pleasure

No. of referrals

Deliver to 37 people though the home library service.

To deliver Mental Health First Aid training available free to all front line staff

No. of sessions held

No. of attendances and variety of organisations represented

Training evaluations





Priority 2 & 3 Excess Winter Deaths & Falls Prevention




Latest Note

To provide disabled facilities grants to clients who require adaptions and equipment enabling them to maintain their independence, quality of life and live safely in their homes.

No. of grants issued

72 DFG grants given in 2015/16

To risk assess properties in line with the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (for hazards such as falls on stairs or in the bath), following a vulnerable person enquiry/ complaint, which leads to action (such as provision of handrails, bathing equipment or handyperson service).

500 handyperson jobs per annum

People signposted to suitable support services

Handyperson numbers continue to be around 500 cases. These include aids and small repairs, key safes and bathing equipment.

To co-ordinate referrals from clients to social services, VCS and carers who will assist client to get repairs/ heating or insulation improvements done, for a more integrated approach

Quicker, more effective processing of improvements helping people stay in their home for longer

25 referrals for energy works

To deliver the care navigator scheme which supports people over 50 to access services including disabled adaptations, referrals, grants and benefits assessments.

No. of people supported, signposted and referred.

New Referrals received by quarter:

Q1 = 97 Q2 = 122 Q3 = 93 Q4 = 153

149 people were supported over Q1 and Q2 and 292 people supported over Q3 and Q4.

To advocate for and provide support to people aged 65+ enabling them to take control over their care needs and decisions that affect them through more informed choices.

People are supported to stay in their own homes for longer

79 new referrals for befriending support and 25 existing clients supported during 15/16. 104 clients supported in total. 6915 volunteer hours

To improve postural stability and reduce the risk of falling (and related injuries) for people aged 65+ who are at risk or those with a long standing medical illness through strong and steady classes.

Risk of falling and injuries is reduced and people are able to stay in their own home for longer.

No. of people supported

217 referrals to falls prevention during 15/16.

179 clients attending classes over this time, of which, 70% reported an improvement in confidence, strength and balance.


Falls were reduced by 54%.

To develop services to assist people living with dementia and their carers through the ‘Reading Well’ books on prescription for dementia scheme and ‘Home Library’ delivery service

People more confident in understanding and living well with dementia

TW library has spoken to 59 people so far this year at the Dementia Cafes. We deliver to 37 people through our Home Library Service.

To raise public and professional awareness of the experience and needs of people affected with dementia (and their carer networks) through training, dementia friends sessions, public events (dementia awareness week), cafes, outreach, carer support and information.

Which contributes towards the West Kent CCG’s target to Improve dementia diagnosis rates from 51% to 67%

WK dementia diagnosis rate is 59.5% (May 2016, Zena Watson ( - WK CCG)


Dementia Friends Training delivered to 12 people at TWBC offices on 21 June 2016.


The Dementia Friendly Homes Project, funded through the innovation fund last year, has been successfully running with contact from West Kent CCG recently who will be integrating our project referral form into all the West Kent medical services.


Gregg’s Wood Medical Centre planting scheme completed by KHWP on 31 May 2016 following a reminiscence and plant selection workshops with Alzheimer’s UK. Beds were constructed by volunteers at the local Men’s Shed project.

To increase up take of Eco funding measures to provide warm insulated homes

No. of homes assisted

49 enquires but only 2 that have actually progressed. It requires top up funding which often people cannot afford to do. There is a lack of engagement from HCPs, who need to refer. Further promotion being undertaken to increase take up of the scheme.

To increase take up of warm homes bonus for vulnerable people (aged 65+ with a long term health condition).

No. of homes identified and assisted.

Promotion via local groups, flyer and Local magazine. Continue to work with landlords and raise awareness of this work.

To encourage, educate and enforce measures in rented properties to improve thermal efficiency

From 01/04/2018, it will be illegal to let properties when EPC lower than E.

Continue to work with landlords and raise awareness of this work.


Priority 4 Child & Adult Obesity




Latest Note

To deliver a 6 week ‘Healthy Mums, Healthy Bumps’ weight management and dietary intervention for pregnant women to support pregnancy health and develop sustainable healthy habits among families.

No. of mums referred and engaged with programme.

Demonstration of behaviour change among completers.

No further health inequalities funding to deliver bespoke projects. Mums are either seen as part of Weight For It or may be offered 1:1/ group support at the gateway.

To support pregnant women to achieve and maintain a healthier weight through 3 pregnancy appointments with the healthy weight midwife service.

No. of women supported and behaviour change achieved.

No. of referrals to Healthy Mums, Healthy Bumps


To provide timely advice, guidance and signposting to families at 5 key time points through health visiting service. Refer to infant feeding lead health visitors as required. Working towards Unicef guidelines. Exploring safeguarding/emotional issues around obesity. Actively assess material infant attachment and material mood.

All families seen on time

Commissioned core contracts met

To promote breast feeding friendly environments by working with businesses, employers, food establishments and other public facilities such as shopping malls helping businesses understand the need to provide support through policies and facilities for women who want to breastfeed.

Demonstration of breast feeding friendly environments by displaying the logo

No. of business reached and displaying good practice

The health team and PSB have undertaken 2 businesses walk-arounds in TW town centre, encouraging business to display the ‘breastfeeding welcome’ stickers.


There was a positive responses from restaurants including The Nutmeg Tree, Fenwick, Basil, Pup Café AHT, Trinity Theatre. Pitcher and Piano, Zest Restaurant at Hoopers and Jamie’s Italian.

To increase breastfeeding initiation and uptake in Tunbridge Wells by providing peer support.

Increase in breastfeeding initiation rates (target 95% coverage at 6-8 weeks)

Contact with mothers within 48 hours of transfer home after birth or 48hrs from time of homebirth.


To deliver an 8 week family weight management course (LEAP) in schools within our highest priority wards supporting parents with overweight and obese children through cooking, nutrition and exercise.

50 families recruited per annum (target)

Families who complete to demonstrate behaviour change which supports a sustained reduction in weight.

Year R and Year 6 obesity rates from the National Child

14 families actively engaged (against target 50), 11 of them were recruited from target schools. Service recruited 27 individual children (12 of whom had a BMI above 91st centile).


Two children reduced their BMI z-score

To identify schools in need of support using NCMP results. Schools are supported to provide healthier environments through tailored enhancement plans, parental engagement activities, curriculum support and targeted interventions.

Reduction in Year R and Year 6 obesity as measured by National Child Measurement Programme

No. of schools and families reached, interventions delivered

9 families took part in the cook and eat programme, which was followed up with the LEAP programme being delivered at the school.


Eat well sessions delivered to children in year R and year 6 at Cranbrook Primary School and TGA.


LEAP activity days saw 27 children and 15 parents take part.


Events delivered at Cranbrook Primary School and Rushtall Primary school, which engaged 52 children, 15 parents and 1 year six class respectively.


Health Team attended TAG rugby festival on 4th May with smoothie bike and promoted the service to parents and children from the borough's primary schools.

To deliver a tailored weight management programme (Move, Eat, Grow) for adults with learning disabilities to improve access to dietary support and weight management interventions.

No. of people supported

Demonstration of behaviour change and weight loss for those completing the course

Bespoke interventions are no longer offered due to the withdrawal of the health inequalities funding.


However where required we offer 1:1 appointments at the gateway for people with protected characteristics. We have supported a female client to lose 2.2Kg and a male client to lose 9kg. Both clients have made positive behaviour changes including building active travel into their day and cutting down on snacks.

To engage business in public health through promotion and delivery of the Kent Healthy Business Awards. This supports and tasks businesses to make improvements in 9 areas including healthy eating, smoking and physical activity to facilitate a healthier workforce.

Also contributes to priority 5 & 6

No. of businesses engaged per annum (target: 1 new business to achieve national award, 10 new businesses signed the declaration, 10 themes assessed as excellent and 20 new businesses actively engaged.

Currently working with 12 businesses. One achieved excellence in absence management

To deliver the cycling strategy in Tunbridge Wells supporting an increase in the numbers who cycle

Increase in the number of people who cycle and use sustainable transport

The Tunbridge Wells Cycling Strategy was adopted in March 2016 and sets out a network of key routes that the Council is seeking to deliver with its partners including KCC. Consultants have recently been commissioned to design route improvements on the A26 between Tunbridge Wells town centre and Tonbridge town centre and also on the 21st Century Way, between Tunbridge Wells town centre and North Farm (a key employment area in the Borough). There are a number of potential funding sources being explored to deliver these schemes.


Anecdotal evidence suggests that the number of cyclists on the roads is increasing in the Borough.

To provide, maintain and enable use of good quality green spaces, play equipment and leisure facilities.

Surveys establish how well spaces are being used


To screen all eligible 40-74 year olds cholesterol levels, blood pressure, weight (BMI) and lifestyle choices (diet, exercise & alcohol); enabling early identification of risk factors for diabetes, stroke, CHD, kidney disease and certain types of dementia.

Also contributes to priority 5&6

50% of eligible patients invited to a health check per annum (Kent Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Target)

Advice, support, signposting and referrals for timely help.

Current rate for those eligible invited is 48% - target is 50%


30, 000 checks delivered across Kent in 13/14


45,000 delivered across Kent in 14/15


Meeting between KCHFT and Andy F and other Day Service managers happened on 5th April Clarity needed from LD Nursing team around duplication

To provide free school meals to all key stage 1 pupils and children from low income families so that children have access to a hot, nutritious meal daily.

No. of who have taken part versus no. eligible

Uptake is no longer monitored by schools since school meals became free to all KS1 children. Uptake vs eligibility was recorded when only children from low income families were offered the hot meal. All schools are offering this service.


To develop physical literacy in primary schools through training and support funded by sports premium funding.

Improved, higher quality PE delivered in schools, demonstrated by No. of schools worked with.

This year we have provided additional (buy-in) support to 16 primary or infant schools in Tunbridge Wells. Our staff have worked alongside primary school teachers to improve the quality of physical education in the curriculum.

To deliver the change for life clubs at primary schools across Tunbridge Wells giving children the opportunity to active and learn about healthy living

No. of clubs running across Tunbridge Wells

No. of children attending clubs

Change4Life Clubs (or equivalent, as they are not all called Change4Life Clubs now) were delivered in 16 primary schools through the primary leadership programme. SSP do not have exact numbers but would suggest that each club on average has approximately 10 children in it.


In terms of C4L clubs, there are no more equipment bags/resources that have been distributed this year but our role as School Games Organisers is to try and encourage all primary schools to have a club that specifically targets pupils who are the least active, have low confidence, poor motor skills etc. It’s more about the philosophy than the name as it was felt before that C4L Clubs didn’t sound particularly appealing to both pupils and parents. Some schools will still call their clubs C4L clubs but it’s completely up to the school how they market and promote these clubs now.

To teach families and residents to cook healthy meals from scratch on a budget through mosaic cookery classes.

No. of people supported

1x course delivered so far in 2016 to 8 participants at Sheltered scheme for over 50s. ‘Cookery Leader’ training being provided to residents later this year to equip them to deliver this training in the future.

To deliver 1:1 health trainer service for people aiming to improve their lifestyle through modifications to diet, alcohol reduction, weight loss, smoking cessation and support with wellbeing.

Also contributes to priority 5 & 6

No. of clients supported

Demonstration of behaviour change

Currently 56% against target of 62%

To deliver the 10 week subsidised exercise referral programme across Tunbridge Wells for patients who can use exercise to support their weight loss.

No. of clients recruited (target 210 with a BMI >28)

No. of clients who are actively engaged (target - 168)

No. of clients demonstrating weight loss and/ or behaviour change

318 adults were recruited, of which 231 had a BMI >28. (109.1% against target)

149 of recruits remained actively engaged (89% against target)

95 lost weight

52 improved their levels of wellbeing

49 improved their diet

48 increased physical activity levels

Average weight loss = 2.68% (89% progress towards target)


To deliver the 10 week free adult weight management programme (Weight For It), helping people to manage their diet and lifestyle in a community setting for clients whose BMI is below 40.

Average weight loss (target +3%)

318 adults were recruited, of which 231 had a BMI >28. (109.1% against target)

149 of recruits remained actively engaged (89% against target)

95 lost weight

52 improved their levels of wellbeing

49 improved their diet

48 increased physical activity levels

Average weight loss = 2.68% (89% progress towards target)

To deliver the tier 3, ‘For healthy weight’ weight management intervention including, dietary, emotional and exercise support in patients whose BMI is above 40.

No. of people engaged

No. of people losing weight

No of people making behaviour changes

600 people engaged Kent wide (excluding Swale).

Two year analysis demonstrates that 97% of clients lost weight.

Average weight loss was 10.5Kg pp.

Average increase in wellbeing was 6 using the Rosenberg scale.

To deliver cookery, nutrition, physical health, wellbeing and walking sessions for users of Tunbridge Wells Mental Health Resource Centre (TWMHRC)

No. of service users supported to live healthy lifestyles



Priority 5 Smoking related deaths




Latest Note

Midwives to measure CO levels in all pregnant women and refer smokers to the ‘Baby Clear’ service providing vulnerable families with early help to quit

Reduction in the number of mums that smoke during pregnancy.

No. of referrals made

319 women accessed the service. 59 pregnant women quit Kent wide

To train all children’s centre staff in level 1 brief intervention for smoking cessation to improve access to advice and support when giving up smoking

No. of staff trained

No. of people supported to quit and

No. of referrals made

Children's services have recently undergone a restructure. Consequently no training has been delivered. However Simon Fry ( is going to prioritise in local action plans. Update should be available in line with next review report for HIAP

To provide in house smoking cessation resources to local businesses, where a minimum of 8 quitters have been identified, including 1:1s and quit clubs.

No. of sessions run and no. of people quit per annum

116 referrals

82 with outcomes

57 quits 69.51% success rate.

To deliver dedicated 1:1, group and telephone support to people who wish to quit in community settings

No. of people quitting

No. of sessions held

3417 quits Kent wide

55% success rate

To raise awareness of the effects of 2nd hand smoke and the benefits of stopping smoking through working with patients attending pulmonary rehab services during the acute (smoking) project.

No. of sustained quitters

Talk given regularly with TW pulmonary rehab team.

To supplement the Kent schools curriculum with tobacco education to raise awareness of the risks of tobacco use

No. of schools and children reached


To deliver brief advice training for frontline staff so they are equipped to carry out brief interventions and signposting with people who may be supported to quit smoking.

No. of sessions delivered and No. of people reached

Brief advice training delivered across all sectors on a continuous basis as required, to all relevant staff.


Priority 6 Alcohol misuse




Latest Note

To re-launch the Safer Socialising Award and encourage licensees to take part in the scheme

No. of awards issued

No uptake of the safer socialising award during 15/16

To enforce the Town Centre Alcohol Control Zone

Number of section 27s given by police which have been monitored by CCTV

Police no longer issuing section 27s

To exclude individuals convicted of violent offence from ‘Pubwatch’ licensed premises.

No. of 'Pubwatch' exclusions in force

Q1 = 20, 7 for violent crime

Q2 = 23, 9 of which are for assault

Q3 = 15, 8 of which are for violence Q4 = 13, 7 of which are for violence

To use safe town radios to prevent and detect violent crime, by sharing intelligence between licenses/ retailers, CCTV control room and police

Pubwatch instigated incidents monitored by CCTV

No. off violent offences monitored

Q1 = 40 Q2 = 46 Q3 = 60 Q4 = 32

To review all hate crimes within the borough at CSU meetings and put into place suitable interventions and referrals where appropriate

No. of hate crimes recorded in the borough

Q1 = 16 ( 3 related to disability, 1 homophobia and the rest were racial)

Q2 = 22 (2 for homophobia, 1 religious and 19 racial)

Q3 = 35 (30 racial, 1 homophobic, 2 disability and 2 religious) Q4 = 27 (21 racial, 3 homophobic, 1 disability and 2 religious)

Provide licensing training to staff around responsibilities when serving alcohol; including: making sure they adhere to the licensing act, under-age sales, legal highs and drug use.

Number of training sessions offered by Kent Police

10 premises received training during 2015/16

To deliver a holistic approach to drug and alcohol treatment and support including (blood borne viruses) BBV testing, vaccinations, mental wellbeing scores, mental health and substance misuse assessments, groups, clinics and support with sleep hygiene, relaxation and safer use. Involves joint working with health professionals and hospitals.

No. of people supported and outcome of behaviour change

290 clients from Tunbridge Wells engaged in structured treatment, and 137 clients discharged as Treatment Complete.

To deploy substance misuse workers to hotspots within the borough to carry out 1:1 and group work with adults and young people

Number of young people worked with through 1:1s and early intervention

Number of referrals to KYDIS via Kent Police


To deliver brief (alcohol) advice training to public facing staff so that they are able to offer brief intervention and signposting, improving access to support for the public.

No. of sessions held and no. of people trained.

111 professionals from T/Wells attended IBA Training (breakdown of types of organisations attending available on request