Proposer Name


Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Proposed Topic


Water Management Cycle


Description and Reason for Review


To examine the water management cycle as proposed by the Committee at its last meeting.


The water management cycle encompasses all aspects of water management from development planning through infrastructure provision to flooding response.


The impact of new developments on water supply and flood risk is considered as part of the Local Plan process and in development management.


The Council has a number of interactions with Southern Water, which plays a key role in the water management cycle.


The Council has also been proactive in addressing flood risk. Updates concerning flood risk alleviation measures were previously provided to the de-commissioned Policy and Resources Committee concerning flood risk alleviation. The Council is also part of the Medway Flood Partnership and ongoing work continues in this area.


A review into this area could identify ways in which  the Council could maximise its influence on  other Local Authorities, central government and external bodies in order to fulfil its statutory obligations, alongside aligning with cross-cutting objectives. Waste Management and the Council’s regulatory controls and limited to the consumption of water, bottling and dealing with food contamination by floods.


The review would also increase Councillor knowledge and engagement on this topic, which is of public interest.


Link to Priorities:


Strategic and Corporate Priorities:

Safe, Clean and Green

Cross-cutting objectives of Heritage and Biodiversity, and Environmental Sustainability is respected.


National/Regional Priorities:

Medway Flood Partnership

Legislative requirements as contained within the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.



Executive Priorities:

The Commitment to tackling climate change in everything the Council does.


Desired Outcome(s)


Identify actions to be taken by the Council and/or its partner organisations to improve the management and resilience of the water management cycle framework.


Suggested Approach


The Water Management Cycle is a broad topic and lines of enquiry should be agreed before the review begins.


Potential lines of enquiry include:


·         An update on and examination of existing flood mitigation/water management measures

o   (such as the EA’s updated FCERM Plan, the Medway Flood Partnership, sewage crises and related policies);

·         Examination of the Council’s working relationship with its partners across the water management cycle;

·         Identify climate change considerations relating to water management;

·         Identify possible alternative sources of funding to improve mitigating and/or alleviating measures as part of future needs;

·         Cost/Benefit analysis framework applicable to future measures;

·         Examination of the measures taken as part of the Council’s planning process relating to water management;


A suggested review process is outlined below:


OSC Member Briefing (informal)


An initial briefing to update members on the current position of the Council and its partners in fulfilling its water management duties and future aspirations.


Meeting one/two (evidence collection)


These meeting/s should focus on the lines of enquiry chosen.


Interviews with stakeholders such as:


·         Kent County Council (as Lead Local Flooding Authority)

·         Members of the Medway Flood Partnership

·         Environment Agency

·         Southern Water

·         Parish Councils

·         Upper and Lower Internal Drainage Boards (Outside Bodies) 






·         Interim Local Plan Review Director

·         Environmental Health Manager

·         Director of Finance and Business Improvement

·         Director of Regeneration and Place

·         Emergency Planning Team


Requests for written information to be included (the Committee has additional legislative rights in relation to flood management).


Meeting Three – (summary session - recommendations)


A session for the Committee to produce its recommendations.


Report formally presented at next meeting.


Review Timescale


Across 3 meetings, preceded by a Member Briefing.


Link to CfPS effective scrutiny principles


The following CfPS effective scrutiny principles would be met through conducting the review:


·         Provides a constructive ‘critical friend’ challenge

·         Amplifies public voices and concerns

·         Is Independently led by Councillors 

·         Drives Improvement in Public Services



Officers that contributed to the scope:

Democratic Services Officer

Director of Finance and Business Improvement

Director of Regeneration and Place

Environmental Health Manager







Member Section

In evaluating the above proposal’s scope, Members may find it helpful to fill in the below sections prior to the Committee Meeting.

Will the review add value to the service?








Is there any further information required and/or clarification needed to the subject’s scoping?



Is the proposed timeline suitable?










Should this subject be included in the work programme?