Appendix A: Process for Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure to determine new and amended Statements of Common Ground


The process for agreeing Statements of Common Ground will change according to the length of time between the Inspector requesting an updated or new SoCG, and the deadline applied by the Inspector.

The definition of ‘urgent’ with regards to the call-in period is set out below:

‘A decision will be urgent if any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interest.’

Different timelines are set out below, outlining the processes required for each.

More than 28 days (plus 7 working days to allow for call-in) – Standard Timescale

Notice of Decision

The Notice of Decision will be published (via the Forward Plan) at least 28 days in advance of the expected decision date, stating that part or all of the meeting may be held in private.


Meeting of the Planning and Infrastructure Policy Advisory Committee

The item will be presented at the next scheduled meeting of the PAC or, if necessary, an additional meeting of the PAC will be scheduled.


Meeting of the Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure 

The item will be considered by the Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure at a public meeting, at least 10 working days before the decision is to be implemented, and the Record of Decision signed by the Lead Member.


Decision implemented

The decision would be implemented following the expiry of the 5-day call-in period unless called in.



Less than the standard timescale but more than 10 working days

Agreement to waive 28-days-notice of a private meeting

Where the report is likely to be exempt or part exempt, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee must agree that the decision is urgent, and that the requirement of 28-days-notice of a private meeting can be waived.


Notice of Decision

The Notice of Decision would be published and include the reason for urgency, and therefore the reason that the requirement for 28-days-notice for a private meeting cannot be met.


(Continued over)

Meeting of the Planning and Infrastructure Policy Advisory Committee

The item will be presented at the next scheduled meeting of the PAC or, if necessary, an additional meeting of the PAC will be scheduled.


Meeting of the Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure 

The item will be considered by the Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure at a public meeting, at least 7 working days before the decision is to be implemented, and the Record of Decision signed by the Lead Member.


Decision implemented

The decision can be implemented following the expiry of the 5-day call-in period unless called in.



Ten working days or fewer

Agreement to waive call-in

The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the political group leaders will be informed of the urgent decision and if, by simple majority, they do not disagree, call-in will be waived.

Agreement to waive 28-days-notice of a private meeting

Where the report is likely to be exempt or part exempt, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee must agree that the decision is urgent, and that the requirement of 28-days-notice of a private meeting can be waived.


Notice of Decision

The Notice of Decision would be published and include the reason for urgency, and therefore the reason that both the 28-notice for a private meeting and the call-in period will be waived.


Meeting of the Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure 

The SoCG will be considered by the Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure at an urgent public meeting, and the Record of Decision signed by the Lead Member.

Decision implemented

The decision would be implemented immediately.