REport of the executive meeting held on 27 july 2022 –
Issue for Decision
The Council is required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) (as amended) to maintain an up-to-date Local Development Scheme (LDS). The purpose of an LDS is to set out the timetable for the delivery of Council produced planning policy documents and to inform local people and stakeholders.
The Local Plan Review has been subject to significant public interest, with priority placed on progressing the LPR in accordance with the approved LDS. There has been a slightly delay in conducting the first public consultation on the Design and Sustainability Development Plan Document (DPD), and therefore a new LDS is required.
Recommendation Made
That the Local Development Scheme 2022-2024, attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.
Reason for Decision
The Local Development Scheme 2021-2024 was adopted by Full Council on 8 December 2021 and set out the timetable for delivering the Local Plan Review, Gypsy and Traveller DPD, and Design and Sustainability DPD.
To date work on the Local Plan Review and Gypsy and Traveller DPD is on track against the timetable set out in the Local Development Scheme 2021- 2024.
However, since the adoption of the Local Development Scheme 2021-2024, the Local Plan Review has been subject to significant public interest. The consultation on the Regulation 19 'Draft for Submission' documents received over 2,200 representations. In order to progress the Local Plan Review in accordance with the approved Local Development Scheme, priority was placed on the Local Plan Review, meaning a slight delay to the first public consultation on the Design and Sustainability DPD.
A new LDS is therefore required and this is provided as Appendix 1. This retains the timetables for delivery of the Local Plan Review and Gypsy and Traveller DPD, which remain unchanged from that set out in the Local Development Scheme 2021-2024. The new LDS also includes the revised timetable for delivery of the Design and Sustainability DPD.
The revised timetable for the Design and Sustainability DPD is set out in the table below.
Policy Advisory Committee Feedback
This issue was considered by the Planning and Infrastructure Policy Advisory Committee on 5 July 2022 and the Committee supported the approval of the Local Development Scheme 2022-24.
Alternatives Considered and Why Not Recommended
Option 1: The Local Development Scheme 2022-2024 is approved. The LDS outlines the scope and timetable for delivering the Local Plan Review, Gypsy and Traveller DPD and the Design and Sustainability DPD. All three have consideration for the Strategic Plan priorities and cross-cutting objectives.
Option 2: The Local Development Scheme 2022-2024 is not approved. Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), local planning authorities must maintain an up to date LDS. The current LDS (2021-2024) does not reflect the current timescales for the Design and Sustainability DPD and therefore a subsequent LDS is required. To not adopt this LDS will be contrary to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and would mean that the Local Planning Authority would fail its legal tests for producing this DPD.
Appendix 1 – Local Development Scheme 2022-2024.
Background Papers