From: David Naghi (Cllr) <>
Sent: 05 November 2022 22:03
To: Licensing <>
Cc: Lorraine Neale <>
Subject: Review of Licence of Socialchillbar Maidstone. 22 03808


Letter of support for Mr Bulent Turgut and his business.


I have known Mr Turgut for many years. He did support the Maidstone River Festival once a few years ago. I find him to be one of Maidstone more responsible club

owners. I find he wants his venue to be one of the best and the safest that the town has to offer. Last year he raised £6.500 for local charities which is very rare these days.

That’s why I am very surprise to read of events that have taken place at the club.

My understanding is that some of the incidents took place when Mr Turgut was himself away on holiday. I know this no defence but finding people to run your

business when you are away is not that easy and always comes with some risk. I feel that  when these incidents have happen Mr Turgut has taken the appropriate action to

make sure these event do not occur again. I would ask that Mr Turgut be given time a period to prove that he is a responsible person to run his club safely.


Regards David Naghi (Cllr)