Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure |
Ref |
A -Current Areas of Focus (2021-26) |
B- Proposed Areas of Focus (2023-28) |
1.1 |
Engaging with our communities on the Local Plan Review |
Undertake engagement throughout the continuous process of the local plan development |
1.2 |
The Council will take a proactive role in creating and consider investing in new places |
The Council will take a proactive role in creating and consider investing in new places |
1.3 |
Working with partners to get infrastructure planned, funded and delivered |
Working with partners to get strategic infrastructure planned, funded and delivered |
1.4 |
Intervening where necessary in the market, to deliver key employment sites |
Intervening where necessary in the market, to deliver key employment sites |
Safe, Clean and Green |
Ref |
A- Current Areas of Focus (2021-26) |
B- Exec Proposed Changes (2023-28) |
2.1 |
Taking action against those who do not respect our public spaces, streets, green spaces and parks |
Promote our parks and open spaces and ensuring that we enhance their natural qualities and meet the needs of residents and visitors. Take action against those who do not respect our public spaces. |
2.2 |
Improving community safety by working with our partners to make people less vulnerable to crime |
For people to be safe and feel safe we'll work with our partners to take action against those who break the law. |
2.3 |
Maintain resident satisfaction with the cleanliness of the borough |
Working to ensure resident satisfaction with the cleanliness and appearance of the whole borough |
2.4 |
Implementation of the biodiversity and climate change strategy and action plan Changed to have a stronger emphasis |
The impact on climate change and biodiversity will be central to all decisions. |
2.5 |
Continue to maintain the quality and ensure the resilience of the waste service
Thriving Place |
Ref |
A-Current Areas of Focus (2021-26) |
B-Exec Proposed Changes (2023-28) |
3.1 |
Deliver a sustainable and vibrant leisure and cultural offer |
Deliver a sustainable and vibrant leisure and cultural offer. For example utilising opportunities such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund investment plans |
3.2 |
Promote inward investment in the Borough to ensure a diverse employment and business offer |
Promote inward investment in the Borough to ensure a diverse employment and business offer |
3.3 |
Develop an ambitious Town Centre Strategy which reflects the needs of the wider community and creates a vibrant and transformed town centre for all. |
Merge into new – Action under Homes and communities at 4.3 |
Working with partners to redevelop the Maidstone East site and modernise the bus station in the County Town |
Merge into new – The bus station project is now completed and the Maidstone East site forms part of the town centre strategy action above at 3.3 |
Developing and delivering plans for the five opportunity sites in the town centre and the staplehurst regeneration project |
Merge into new – this now forms part of the town centre strategy which is covered in a new action at 3.3. The Staplehurst regeneration has moved on. |
Homes and Communities |
Ref |
A-Current Areas of Focus (2021-26) |
B-Exec Proposed Changes (2023-28) |
4.1 |
Reducing Rough Sleeping in a sustainable way |
Continue our holistic and innovative approach to reduce rough sleeping in Maidstone |
4.2 |
Reducing the use of temporary accommodation for homeless families |
Increase supply of TA to assist with need and bring down the unit cost whilst working towards long-term housing solutions. |
4.3. |
Work with Anchor Institutions and partners to develop community resilience, improve well-being and taking action to support residents in financial crisis, aiming for no-one to be left behind |
4.4 |
Urgent identification and delivery of 1000 affordable homes to ensure availability of good quality housing for Maidstone's residents |
4.5 |
Improving housing through use of our statutory powers to promote good health and wellbeing |
Improving the quality of housing through the consistent use of our statutory powers to promote good health and wellbeing |
Working with the integrated care Partnership to identify opportunities to reduce health inequalities in the borough |
Deleted as covered in action 4.3. working with partners and 4.5 |