From: Lisa Westcott <>
Sent: 09 June 2023 12:47
To: Lorraine Neale <>
Cc: 'Cllr.Walmsley' <>;
Subject: RE: Street Trading Application - Frankie Osborne - New Shelve Farm, Lenham


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Dear Lorraine,


Following receipt of further information in your email below, Lenham Parish Council voted to uphold their objection to the street trading licence application at Old Shelve farm at the full council meeting on Wednesday night. The main concerns raised are regarding road safety issues and impact on the AONB. We agree with the AONB Unit comment that an area of hardstanding and mobile food van in this location will neither conserve or enhance the area. We note that KCC Highways have not responded, KCC Cllr. Shellina Prendergast is reviewing this, but local knowledge of this area from councillors is that the A20 in this location is a very fast stretch of road often used for overtaking. Forstal Road is also a very busy junction entering the A20 opposite Rayners Hill where the food van is proposed.


The parish council believe that the change of use of this field will require planning permission which we feel is unlikely to be granted.


In terms of local resident consultation, the closest residents on Rayners Hill, who will be impacted the greatest by this operation, have confirmed that they were not consulted. Can you please clarify how many local residents were consulted?


Kind regards,






Lisa Westcott

Clerk to Lenham Parish Council