Part A: Second Quarter Revenue Budget 2023/24
A1) Revenue Budget
A2) Significant Variances
Part B: Second Quarter Capital Budget 2023/24
B1) Capital Budget
B2) Significant Variances
A1) Revenue Budget: Housing, Health & Environment (HHE) PAC
A2.1 The table below provides a detailed summary of the budgeted net expenditure position for the services reporting directly into HHE PAC at the end of Quarter 2. The financial figures are presented on an accruals basis (i.e. expenditure for goods and services received, but not yet paid for, is included).
A2.2 This table now shows the variance split between expenditure and income to give more of an insight into the nature of the variance.
HHE Revenue Budget: NET EXPENDITURE (@ 2nd Quarter 2023/24)
By Cabinet Member
A2) HHE Revenue Budget: Significant Variances
A2.1 Within the headline figures, there are a number of both adverse and favourable net expenditure variances for individual cost centres. It is important that the implications of variances are considered at an early stage, so that contingency plans can be put in place and, if necessary, be used to inform future financial planning. Variances will be reported to each of the Policy Advisory Committees on a quarterly basis throughout 2023/24.
A2.2 The table below highlights and provides further detail on the most significant variances at the end of Quarter 2.
HHE PAC Variances (@ 2nd Quarter 2023/24)
Positive Variance Q2 |
Adverse Variance Q2 |
Year End Forecast Variance
Housing, Health & Environment |
£000 |
Playground Maintenance & Improvements – There are vacant posts in the team, and the replacement equipment budget is currently underspend but will be utilised later in the year. |
51 |
31 |
Housing Temporary Accommodation – This continues to be a significant issue as the demand for the service continues to be high. The cost-of-living crisis and issues with getting people out of temporary accommodation are the main challenges at present. Further properties are being acquired to help alleviate the pressure on this budget. |
-457 |
-779 |
Homeless Prevention – Expenditure continues to be high on the Homefinder scheme, although there are plans to reduce the level of spend. There have also been unanticipated legal costs of £25,000. |
-54 |
-37 |
Fleet Workshop & Management – Expenditure on unscheduled vehicle maintenance and vehicle hire is currently lower than forecast. |
35 |
49 |
B1) Capital Budget 2023/24 (@ 2nd Quarter 2023/24)
B2) Capital Budget Variances (@ 2nd Quarter 2023/24)
Housing, Health & Environment |
Private Sector Rented Housing/1,000 Homes Affordable Housing Programme - A number of schemes are at various stages of development at present, and further land/property acquisitions are likely to take place before the end of the financial year. Some schemes will also contain elements of both private rented and affordable housing so the costs may change depending on the mix at the sites where this happens.
The figures also reflect grant funding that we anticipated receiving this year. To date we have received £2.1 from the Local Authority Housing Fund, which is being used to fund the Granada House Refurbishment Works, and £2.3m from the Brownfield Release Fund, which will be used to fund the initial development costs of the Maidstone East scheme. The initial programme does anticipate further funding, but some of that is linked to the development of certain schemes.
The projected slippage for the Maidstone East Commercial Development and the Heather House Community Scheme reflects that the progress on the wider schemes of which they are a part has not moved on as far as the initial programme anticipated. As part of the budget setting process for 2024/25 and beyond the capital programme is being reviewed, and there will be a revised budget in place for the third quarter financial update report that will more accurately reflect the position of the various schemes.
Temporary Accommodation – There have been a significant number of acquisitions to date this year, and the team continue to seek suitable properties, but any purchases agreed in the fourth quarter are unlikely to be completed within this financial year so the unused budget will be rolled forward. |
Continued Improvements to Play Areas – The projected slippage is a sum set aside for the refurbishment of the Penenden Heath play area, which is scheduled to take place in the first quarter of 2024/25. |
Flood Action Plan - The flood action plan budget was set up to allow the Council to deliver, or contribute towards, schemes that would mitigate flood risk. At this stage, the only schemes that have been identified have been small scale natural flood management schemes. Officers are discussing with counterparts in the Environment Agency, Kent County Council and the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board what can be done to promote appropriate and practical schemes in the future. |
CCTV Upgrade & Relocation – This is an unbudgeted cost relating the scheme which took place in 2020. The contractor contacted the Council and advised us that there was a final payment due. Officers reviewed the position and agreed that this was the case and the payment was made. |