1.1.1. Membership: Nine (9) Members; plus two (2) non-voting Parish Councillors appointed by the Council for a three-year term of office and one (1) co-opted Independent Member. The Chairman of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee may not be a Cabinet Member.
1.1.2. Purpose: The promotion and maintenance of high standards of Councillor and Officer conduct within the Council; adoption and reviewing the Council's Annual Governance Statement; independent assurance of the adequacy of the financial and risk management framework and the associated control environment; independent review of the authority’s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the authority’s exposure to risk and weakens the control environment; and to oversee the financial reporting process.
(Other than the induction training delivered to all new Members and Substitute Members of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee, the Committee will identify its training requirements through an annual assessment of skills and knowledge and Members will undertake training as required).
To consider the Head of Internal Audit Partnership’s annual report and opinion, and a summary of Internal Audit activity (actual and proposed) and the level of assurance it can give over the Council’s corporate governance arrangements |
Report may go to the Cabinet with a reference from this Committee to ensure that the Council satisfactorily addresses all of the issues. |
To consider reports dealing with the management and performance of Internal Audit Services, including consideration and endorsement of the Strategic Internal Audit Plan and any report on agreed recommendations not implemented within a reasonable timescale and the Internal Audit Charter |
As above |
To consider the External Auditor’s Annual Audit Letter, relevant reports, and any other report or recommendation to those charged with governance; and ensure that the Council has satisfactorily addressed all issues raised To comment on the scope and depth of external audit work and to ensure it gives value for money |
As above |
To review and approve the annual statement of accounts. Specifically, to consider whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed and whether there are concerns arising from the financial statements or from the audit that need to be brought to the attention of the Cabinet or Council |
The summary balance sheet will be reported to the relevant Policy Advisory Committee as part of its Budgetary Control/Budget Strategy arrangements |
Consider and review the effectiveness of the Treasury Management Strategy, Investment Strategy, Capital Strategy, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Annual Report and Mid- Year review and make recommendations to the Cabinet, relevant Policy Advisory Committee(s) and Council |
Recommend and monitor the effectiveness of the Council's Counter-Fraud and Corruption Strategy |
Cabinet to approve Head of Audit Partnership to monitor effectiveness |
To maintain a financial overview of the operation of the Council’s Constitution in respect of Financial & Contract Procedure Rules and codes of conduct |
The Monitoring Officer will deal with the detail of any proposed minor changes, but significant recommendations for change will be made to the Democracy and General Purposes Committee (then Council) |
In conjunction with the relevant Policy Advisory Committee(s) to monitor the effective development and operation of risk management and corporate governance in the Council to ensure that strategically the risk management and corporate governance arrangements protect the Council |
Head of Audit Partnership/ Director of Finance and Business Improvement |
To monitor Council policies on ‘Raising Concerns at Work’ (Whistleblowing') and the ‘Anti-fraud and Corruption’ Strategy |
Head of Audit Partnership |
To oversee the production of the authority’s Annual Governance Statement and to agree its adoption |
Head of Policy, Communications and Governance |
The Council’s arrangements for corporate governance and agreeing necessary actions to ensure compliance with best practice and high standards of ethics and probity This Committee will receive the annual review of the Local Code of Corporate Governance and may make recommendations for proposed amendments, as necessary |
Head of Policy, Communications and Governance |
To consider whether safeguards are in place to secure the Council’s compliance with its own and other published standards and controls |
Directors and Heads of Service |
The promotion and maintenance of high standards of conduct within the Council |
N/A |
To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of its Codes of Conduct |
N/A |
To monitor and advise the Council about the operation of its Codes of Conduct in the light of best practice, and changes in the law, including in relation to gifts and hospitality and the declaration of interests |
N/A |
Assistance to Members, Parish Councillors and co-opted members of the Council to observe the Code of Conduct |
N/A |
To ensure that all Members have access to training in Governance, Audit and the Member Code of Conduct; that this training is actively promoted; and that Members are aware of the standards expected under the Council’s Codes and Protocols |
Democracy and General Purposes Committee to oversee Member training |
To deal with complaints that Members of the Borough Council and the Parish Councillors may have broken the Member Code of Conduct |
Monitoring Officer in consultation with an Independent Person through informal resolution where possible |
Following a formal investigation and where the Monitoring Officer’s investigation concludes that there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct a hearing into the matter will be undertaken See the procedure in Part D of this Constitution for dealing with complaints that a Member has breached the Code of Conduct |
Hearings Panel comprising three (3) Members (plus 1 non-voting Parish Member when a Parish Member is the subject of the complaint) Drawn from the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee |
Advice on the effectiveness of the above procedures and any proposed changes |
Democracy and General Purposes Committee and Monitoring Officer |
Grant of dispensations to Members with disclosable pecuniary interests and other significant interests, in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 |
Monitoring Officer |