Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) - Additional Note




The following sets out some additional information, which councillors may find helpful.



Current ITS Monitoring


The current ITS is monitored through the Authority Monitoring Report, which is prepared and published annually.


The 2022/23 AMR is the latest AMR and states:


Indicator M48: Sustainable transport measures to support the growth identified in the Local Plan and as set out in the Integrated Transport Strategy and the Walking and Cycling Strategy


Projects remain on track to be delivered within the broad time periods identified within the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


In total 18% of the actions within the ITS have been rated as red in terms of delivery, with the remainder being 27% amber and 55% green.


This has meant there has been a minor increase in red actions due to worsening delivery in the past year.


This is felt to be a temporary anomaly caused by changes in Government policy around public transport areas, such as buses, and general low recovery in bus patronage following the Covid-19 pandemic.


It is the ambition of the Council to undertake a full review of the Integrated Transport Strategy following the Local Plan Review.


Partial updates have been proposed as part of the Local Plan Review.



Evidence Base


It is useful to highlight that the content of the new ITS may require the collation of new or updated evidence, depending on the scope of content for the ITS.


Through the Local Plan Review, officers have access to an existing wealth of transport information. Kent County Council may also be able to provide some data.


Officers are also currently working with consultants AECOM and KCC to prepare a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which covers the whole borough, therefore further information will be available in a few months on these transport elements.


Evidence gathering has resource implications, in terms of officer time to prepare evidence or a financial cost if consultants are needed for more technical evidence – the report provided for Overview and Scrutiny does not go into detail about this, as the detailed scope of the ITS will be needed before this element can be further defined.