Agenda Item No:
1 - Summary of Report |
Licence Reference |
Report To:
Licensing SUB – Committee (UNDER THE LICENSING ACT 2003) |
2ND APRIL 2024 |
Report Title:
Report Author:
Lorraine Neale
1. The Applicant – Future Schools Trust 2. Type of authorisation applied for: A premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003. 3. Proposed Licensable Activities and hours:
N.B. In relation to school premises the following exemptions apply Cross activity exemption Is available to Schools and means that a licence is not required between 8am and 11pm, with no limit on audience size for any entertainment taking place on the premises of the school where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the school proprietor. Third-party music entertainment No licence is required for a performance of live music or the playing of recorded music on school premises, that are not domestic premises, between 8am and 11pm on any day as long as: • it is performed in front of an audience of no more than 500 people • a person concerned in the organisation or management of the music entertainment has been given prior written consent of the local authority, health care provider or school proprietor for that entertainment to take place Live music Act 2012 unamplified live music at any place between 8AM and 11PM; or amplified live music at a workplace between 8AM and 11PM provided the audience is no more than 500 people. A licence will always be required for the sale of alcohol. |
Affected Wards:
The Committee is asked to determine the application and decide whether to grant the premises licence.
Policy Overview: |
The decision should be made with regard to the Secretary of State's Guidance and the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003. Where the decision departs from Policy or Guidance the departure must be directed solely at the attainment of the licensing objectives, and that such departure be supported by proper reasons.
Financial Implications:
Costs associated with processing the
application are taken from licensing fee income. |
Other Material Implications:
HUMAN RIGHTS: In considering this application it is appropriate to consider the rights of both the applicant and other parties, such as “responsible authorities” and\or “other persons” (objectors). The procedure for determining licences has a prescribed format to ensure fair representation of the relevant facts by all parties.
LEGAL: Under the Licensing Act 2003 the Licensing
Authority has a duty to exercise licensing control of relevant premises. |
Background Papers:
Licensing Act 2003 DCMS Guidance Documents issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 as amended Maidstone Borough Council Statement of Licensing Policy
Mrs Lorraine Neale at: – tel: 01622 602528 |
Agenda Item No. 1
Report Title:
Application: For a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003. (Appendix 1).
Purpose of the Report
This section should be brief and should summarise the reason for the report and the issue it is addressing .
The report advises Members of an application for a Premises Licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 (Appendix 1), made by Future Schools Trust, in respect of the premises The Cornwallis School, Hubbards Lane, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent, ME17 4HX (Appendix 2 ) in respect of which 55 objections and 1 support comment have been received from other parties (Appendix 3).
Issue to be Decided
The purpose of this section is to enable all Members to recognise immediately what they are being asked to consider.
Members are asked to determine whether to:
1) grant as applied for
2) grant with conditions
3) exclude any licensable activity
4) reject the DPS
5) or reject the application.
2 The relevant sections are Part 3 S16 -24 of The Licensing Act 2003 and section 4 of The Licensing Act 2003 in particular the Licensing Objectives:
· The prevention of crime and disorder.
· Public Safety
· The prevention of public nuisance; and
· The protection of children from harm
3. The application has been correctly advertised in the local press and notices displayed at the premises for the required period.
4. There were no representations received from responsible authorities.
5. There are 56 representation from other parties (Appendix 3).
6. The table below illustrates the relevant representations which have been received
No |
Responsible Authority/Other Party |
Licensing Objective |
Associated Documents |
Appendix |
1 & 19 |
Ian Tucker |
Public Nuisance
3 |
2 & 39 |
David Sanderson (representing those on the petition included at 39) |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
3 |
Steve Moreham |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
4 |
Tim Jessop |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
5 & 11 |
Paul Tritton |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
6 |
Valerie Sanderson |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
7 |
Freddie Beesley |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
8 |
Micaela Suarez de Tangil |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
9 |
Mr & Mrs Forder |
Children from Harm |
3 |
10 |
Wendy Cook & John Howells |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
12 |
John and Shirley Price |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
13 |
Zoe Davidson |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
14 |
Lara Burn |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
15 |
John Underwood |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
16 |
Nigel Luxford |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
17 |
Sarah Hakeem |
Public Nuisance Children from Harm |
3 |
18 |
Lauren Drury |
Crime & Disorder Public Nuisance |
3 |
20 |
Alexandra Jessop |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
21 |
Mason Levey |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
22 & 32 |
Debbie Jenning |
Public Nuisance Children from Harm |
3 |
23 |
Alison Wiles |
Public Nuisance Children from Harm |
3 |
24 & 34 |
Ray Jennings |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
25 & 33 |
Trevor Wiles |
Public Safety Public Nuisance Children from Harm |
3 |
26 |
Junaid Ansari |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
27 |
Harry Armitage |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
28 |
Malcolm Brockman |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
29 |
Nicholas King |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
30 |
Laraine Barrie |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
31 |
Norman McGill |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
35 |
Richard Albardiaz |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
36 |
Allan and Sue Collier |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
37 |
Sophie Rees |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
38 |
Graham & Lorraine King |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
40 |
Hilary Robinson |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
41 |
Anne Lomas |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
42 |
Mr and Mrs Grabham |
Crime & Disorder Public Nuisance Children from Harm |
3 |
43 |
Emma Avard |
Crime & Disorder Public Nuisance |
3 |
44 |
Sally Bodman |
Support |
3 |
45 |
MK & V L E Mercer |
Public Safety Public Nuisance |
3 |
46 |
Sue Ritzdorf |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
47 |
Ingrid Dutch |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
48 |
Paul Warren |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
49 |
Ian Brattle |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
50 |
Lorraine Doherty |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
51 |
Lyn Dive |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
52 |
John Bugden (included short video) |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
53 |
Nick Wright and Lorraine Doughty |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
54 |
Kevin Masssam |
Crime & Disorder Public Safety Public Nuisance Children from Harm |
3 |
55 |
Yuyang Zhang |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
56 |
Public Nuisance |
3 |
The Licensing Department received an email from the applicant on 8th March 2024 explaining that the licence was required to cover the fireworks event in November only as a temporary events notice (TEN) would not be sufficient to cover capacity. The matter of the application was to be discussed at a Loose Parish Council meeting and so a copy of the letter provided to Loose Parish Council in relation to that agenda item was also provided (Appendix 4). On the 3rd April the applicant sent an email to Licensing which offered “As a condition of usage, we would propose the licence to be for no more than 4 events per calendar year” (Appendix 5) This information was circulated on the same date to all the objectors. The following objectors responded indicating they would withdraw their representations subject to the condition being included on the licence. Tim Jessop, Lara Burn, Debbie Jennings, Ray Jennings, Nicholas King, E.Avard, Paul Warren and Lyn Dive (subject to events being single events)
Members are advised that applications cannot be refused in whole or in part, or conditions attached to the licence unless it is appropriate to do so to promote the licensing objectives.
7. The Operating Schedule submitted by the
Applicant has addressed the licensing objectives in the following manner:
a) General – all four licensing objectives:
We shall ensure that all times when the premises are for any licensable activity, there are sufficient competent staff on duty at the premises for the purpose of fulfilling the terms and conditions of the licence and for preventing crime and disorder. We will ensure that all staff will undertake training in their responsibilities in relation to the sale of alcohol, particularly with regard to drunkenness and underage persons. Records will be kept of training and refresher training.
Alls events are aimed at the local community therefore is geared towards families, creatives and supporting regenerative farming. We envisage our events being a positive environment for children.
b) The prevention of crime and disorder:
Any incidents of a criminal nature that may occur on the premises will be reported the police. We will install comprehensive CCTV coverage at the premises and it is operated and maintained at the premises. Copies will be made available to Police on request.
We will be employing SIA Security Guards who will be on patrol and at the entry and exit points at all
times when the public will be on site. They will also be carrying out searches when guests enter the
arena. Any glass found in the area will be confiscated.
We have adopted a zero tolerance policy to drugs, violence and social disorder. This will be made clear to all guests on booking and again on entry. The bar areas will be selling all drinks in plastic cups so no glass or bottles will be used.
c) Public Safety:
Appropriate fire safety procedures are in place including fire extinguishers (foam, H20 and CO2), fire blanket, internally illuminated fire exit signs, numerous smoke detectors and emergency lighting (see enclosed plan for details of locations). All appliances are inspected annually. All emergency exits shall be kept free from obstruction at all times.
We have a First Aid tent staffed by a Paramedic and First Aiders to tend to any medical issues. This has been situated in easy reach of the access road and emergency exit.
d) The prevention of public nuisance:
All customers will be asked to leave quietly. Clear and legible notices will be prominently displayed to remind customers to leave quietly and have regard to our neighbours.
e) The Protection of children from harm:
The licensee and staff will ask persons who appear to be under the age of 25 for photographic ID such as proof of age cards, the Connexions Card and Citizen Card, photographic driving licence or passport, an official identity card issued by HM Forces or by an EU country, bearing the photograph and date of birth of bearer. All staff will be trained for UNDERAGE SALES PREVENTION regularly. A register of refused sales shall be kept and maintained on the premises.
The performers have been reminded that it is a event for all ages and no foul language should be used.
If children do get separated from their parents we have a designated signed area by the First Aid tent for a Meeting Point and all stewards will be briefed in safeguarding children at this event.
8. Relevant sections of The Guidance issued under section 182 of The Licensing Act 2003;
Chapters 8 & 9 Premises Licences & Determining Applications
Chapter 10 Conditions NB: There is Home Office Supporting Guidance on Pools of Conditions
but this is not statutory guidance.
Relevant policy statements contained in the Licensing Authority’s Statement of Licensing Policy:
17.10 Crime and Disorder
17.19 Public Safety
17.22. Prevention of Public Nuisance
17.26 Children from Harm
17.10 Under the Act the Licensing Authority has a duty to promote the licensing objectives, and, a further duty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to do all it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in the borough.
17.11 Wholesale of alcohol. Since 1 April 2017, businesses which sell alcohol (for
example, retailers of alcohol and trade buyers) need to ensure that the UK
wholesalers that they buy alcohol from have been approved by HMRC under the
Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS). They will need to check their
wholesalers Unique Registration Number (URN) against the HMRC online database. This is an ongoing obligation and if a business is found to have bought alcohol from an unapproved wholesaler, they may be liable to a penalty or could even face a criminal prosecution and their alcohol stock may be seized. Any trader who buys alcohol from a wholesaler for onward sale to the general public (known as a ‘trade buyer’) does not need to register unless they sell alcohol to other businesses.
17.12 Examples of trade buyers would be pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafes, retailers and
hotels. However, they will need to check that the wholesaler they purchase alcohol from is registered with HMRC.
17.13 The applicant will be expected to detail in their operating schedule how they will prevent crime and disorder on and close to the premises. Such detail should reflect the licensable activities on offer, location and character of the area, the nature of the premises use and the range of customers likely to use the premises.
These may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Prevention of disorderly conduct and anti-social behaviour
• Prevention of underage drinking
• Prevention of sales of alcohol to intoxicated customers
• Prevention of drunkenness both on and in the vicinity of the premises
• Prevention of drug use and drug dealing
• Restriction to responsible drinks promotions
• Use of safety glass
• Inclusion of a wind-down time following alcohol sales period
• Adequate seating to discourage “vertical drinking”
• The offer of food and snacks or other entertainment or occupation to discourage persistent drinking
17.14 In busier premises the Licensing Authority would usually expect to see a short (e.g.30 mins) ‘wind down’ or ‘drinking up’ period allowed for after the cessation time of entertainment and alcohol sales as this is effective in assisting in a reduction in noise and exuberance of customers before leaving the premises.
17.15 Applicants will be expected to seek advice from the Police and the Licensing Authority will give appropriate weight to requests by the Police for premises to be protected by SIA registered door staff subject to the provision of relevant evidence. Where the Licensing Authority determines after consultation with the police that a premises is one that warrants additional security and monitoring it would expect applicants to include the provision of SIA approved door staff at the premises at appropriate times. Relevant premises are usually those used mainly for drinking alcohol, have later opening hours and are situated within the Town Centre night time economy area.
17.16 Where appropriate, applicants for licences in the Town Centre areas providing mainly alcohol, music and dancing would be expected to consider inclusion of a provision of safety glasses to prevent a risk of injury on the rare occasion that a glass may be used as a weapon.
17.17 The use of CCTV should be considered where appropriate or on the advice and recommendations of the Police and to a quality and standard approved by the Police for evidential purposes. Licensees will be expected to fully comply with the requirements of the Information Commissioners Office and the Data Protection Act 1998 in respect of any surveillance equipment installed at a premises.
17.18 In any application resulting in hearing the sub-committee will consider each application on its individual merits and determine the imposition of conditions that are appropriate to promotion of the licensing objectives.
17.19 The applicant will be expected to show how the physical safety of persons attending the premises will be protected and to offer any appropriate steps in the operating schedule to promote this.
17.20 Such steps will not replace the statutory obligation on the applicant to comply with all relevant legislation under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1973 or under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2004.
17.21 Applicants will be expected to have carried out the necessary risk assessments to ensure safe occupancy levels for the premises. Where a representation from the Fire Authority suggests that for the promotion of the Public Safety objective a maximum occupancy should be applied, the Licensing Authority will consider adding such a limit as a licence condition.
Where appropriate an operating schedule should specify occupancy limits for the following types of licensed premises:
(i) High Volume Vertical Drinking e.g. premises that provide mainly stand up drinking facilities with limited seating/table space and the primary activity is the sale of alcohol.
(ii) Nightclubs
(iii) Cinemas
(iv) Theatres.
(v) Other premises where regulated entertainment is likely to attract a large number of people.
(vi) Where conditions of occupancy have arisen due to representations received.
17.22 The applicant will be expected to detail any appropriate and proportionate steps to prevent nuisance and disturbance arising from the licensable activities at the premises and from the customers using the premises.
17.23 The applicant will be expected to demonstrate that they have considered the following and included steps to prevent public nuisance:
(i) Proximity of local residents to the premises
(ii) Licensable activities proposed and customer base
(iii) Hours and nature of operation
(iv) Risk and Prevention of noise leakage from the premises from equipment, customers and machinery
(v) Prevention of noise from customers leaving the premises and customer pick up points outside premises and from the Car Park.
(vi) Availability of public transport to and from the premises
(vii) Delivery and collection times and locations.
(viii) Impact of external security or general lighting on residents.
(ix) History of management of and complaints about the premises.
(x) Applicant’s previous success in preventing Public Nuisance.
(xi) Outcomes of discussions with the relevant Responsible Authorities.
(xii) Impact of location, noise and contamination from outside smoking areas on neighbours and other customers
(xiii) Collection of litter arising from the premises
17.24 Steps to prevent public nuisance may include a range of options including noise limiting devices, sound insulation, wind down periods, acoustic lobbies, management of smoking areas etc.
17.25 Steps will differ depending on the individual premises and activities and it is for the applicant to ensure that reasonable, effective and appropriate steps are included within the operating schedule.
17.26 Applicants will be expected to detail any appropriate and proportionate steps to protect children at the premises from any harm. The Licensing Authority recognises the right of licensees (serving alcohol) to allow accompanied children into their premises. The Licensing Authority would not seek to restrict access by children (above that specified in the Act) unless it is necessary for the prevention of physical, moral or psychological harm.
17.27 Steps to protect children from harm must be carefully considered for inclusion where:
(i) There is entertainment or services of an adult nature provided.
(ii) There have been previous convictions for under age sales of alcohol.
(iii) There has been a known association with drug taking or dealing.
(iv) There is a significant element of gambling on the premises.
(v) There is a presumption that children under 18 should not be permitted entry such as to nightclubs (apart from when specific events are held for under 18’s).
(vi) Outcomes of discussions with relevant Responsible Authorities suggest such steps are applicable.
17.28 Nothing in the Licensing Act prevents licensees from excluding children from a licensed premises and no condition can be added to require the admission of children.
17.29 Where there are no matters that give rise to concern in respect of children at premises the Licensing Authority would expect to see the relevant box on an application form completed to specify NONE.
10 Options
Legal options open to members –
1. Grant the licence subject to conditions as are consistent with the operating schedule accompanying the application.
2. Grant the licence with modified conditions
3. Exclude a licensable activity
4. Refuse to specify the DPS
5. REJECT the whole or part of the application
Members of the Licensing Act 2003 – Licensing Sub – Committee
are reminded of their duty under section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998
to consider the crime and disorder implications of their decisions and the
Licensing Authority’s responsibility to co – operate in the reduction of crime
and disorder in the Borough
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1988 states:
"Without prejudice to any other obligation imposed on it, it shall be the
duty of each authority to which this section applies to exercise its various functions
with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those function on, and
the need to do all that it reasonably can prevent, crime and disorder in its
The decision should be
made with regard to the Secretary of State’s Guidance and the Council’s Statement
of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003. Where the decision departs
from either the Guidance or the policy clear and cogent reasons must be given.
Members should be aware that if such a departure is made the risk of appeal/challenge
is increased.
Human Rights
While all Convention
Rights must be considered, those which are of particular relevance to the
application are:
· Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life
· Article 1 of the First Protocol – Protection of Property
· Article 6(1) – Right to Fair Hearing
· Article 10 – Freedom of Expression
The full text of each Article is given in the attached Appendices
Members must ensure that
the application is considered on its merits, as well as against the relevant
guidance, policy and statutory framework.
14. List of Appendices
Appendix 1 Application Form
Appendix 2 Plan of Premises
Appendix 3 Other parties representation.
Appendix 4 Applicants email
Appendix 5 Applicants offer of condition
Appendix 6 Plan of area
Appendix 7 Human Rights Articles
Appendix 8 Order of Proceedings
The applicant or any other person(objector) may appeal the Licensing Act 2003
Sub Committee’s decision within 21 days beginning with the day on which the
Appellant is notified. All/any appeals must be lodged with the Magistrates’
Court. Parties should be aware that they MAY incur an Adverse Costs Order
should they bring an appeal.
Use sub-paragraph headings to identify these issues and tables to summarise any financial implications where this will aid understanding.
Refer to any implications for current council polices particularly if the report suggests a change in policy or a new approach to an issue.
Report authors will be expected to have taken advice from the appropriate people and to agree the wording of implications with those advisors.
Contact: Email:
Senior Licensing Officer |