Obstructions and temporary items on the Highway



Policy for Obstructions and Temporary Items on the Highway - Update Information


A report by the Director of Kent Highway Services.


The Policy for the Management of Obstructions and Temporary Items on the Highway was signed by Nick Chard in early (8th) September and the Policy is now being introduced and implemented across the county.


Following a request to the Chairman of this Board the attached report is an update to Members for information and discussion.























Accountable Officer:                                      Claremarie Vine  08458 247 800



































Policy for Obstructions and Temporary Items on the Highway - Update Information


The Policy for the Management of Obstructions and Temporary Items on the Highway was signed by Nick Chard in early (8th) September and the Policy is now being introduced and implemented across the county.


The Policy updates our licensing of Tables and Chairs and introduces A-board licensing along with enforcement processes to control the temporary items placed on the highway - whether or not they are licensed at that time.


In addition to the Press release for Radio, TV, newspapers and magazines, the following information has gone out to Districts and Chambers of Commerce, hoping to get to as many businesses as possible.  The letter referred to on the links is being hand delivered to town centre shopping areas across Kent to boost the message. We aim to visit the main town centre highway shopping areas in all 12 district, borough and city councils before Christmas, to get this message out thoroughly, by Christmas.  Maidstone has already received letters and licences are already being applied for.



Managing Obstructions and Temporary Items on the Highway


Please note that  EHW Policy Overview Scrutiny Committee has approved the  ' Policy for the Management of Obstructions and Temporary Items on the Highway '  for Kent Highway Services  on the 25th May. This introduces formal licensing of Advertising Boards (A- Boards)  within Kent County Council Council 's jurisdiction. Any business wishing to place  an  A- Board on the  public highway, must now seek permission from Kent Highway Services (KHS). Once agreed by KHS, the business will receive a permit which will need to be displayed in the premises shop window.


The licensing of A- Boards seeks to improve highway safety for pedestrians, reduce the appearance of clutter and obstructions in streets . KHS does appreciate the current financial climate; and its impact on business.  Therefore the policy has been designed to be straight forward and inexpensive; taking a balanced view from the business and pedestrian perspective.


The link below directs you to the page containing the a letter from KCC Cabinet Member  for Environment, Highways and Waste, Nick Chard introducing the policy and answering some frequently asked questions, the Application  Form, (including Terms & Conditions) and alternative advertising  examples; these should be considered before applying for the licence . Advertising may require planning permission and you will need to contact your Local Planning Authority.




The following link is the full policy which also includes details of the current charges:




This replaces the existing Tables and Chairs Policy, to now include the Licensing of A-Boards.  Licences for both will be issued by the  KHS Roadwork's Teams .


We aim to visit all 12 districts  over the coming months, lettering as many  businesses as possible in the  town centres who will be affected. We  will be  working with District , Borough and City Councils regarding  the implementation of this policy and any other associated issues, so that we work for a consistent but locally appropriate approach to licensing across the whole of Kent.   


If you need any further information, please call on 08458 247800 or email KHS Enforcement Team on KHSEnforcementTeam@kent.gov.uk