Cabinet Member Report for Defra Air Quality Grant 20112012 enc. 2










Application for air quality grant for local authority capital expenditure on a project to be carried out in connection with air quality management duties under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995. This application form should be a stand-alone document. No additional supporting documentation, such as commercially sensitive quotes for project work and diagrams, will be accepted.


These blue instruction boxes are used throughout the application form, to provide guidance on completing this form.


Further information which will help in the completion of this form can be obtained from the LAQM helpdesk (0800 032 7953 or email Information on the grant scheme is available at


Applications will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • Quality of the proposed project
  • The extent to which the project meets the priority criteria (see Annex A)
  • Proposals to evaluate the effectiveness of the project
  • The plan to disseminate findings more widely
  • The extent to which the project outcomes are more widely applicable/reproducible
  • The extent to which the project provides value for money
  • The suitability of this funding opportunity for the project


This form must be returned to before 5pm on 17th June 2011. Defra reserves the right not to accept or evaluate any applications received after this time and date.


Section 1: Contact Information


1.                   Local authority name/address/email and phone number;


Only certain authorities are eligible to apply for grant funding as set out in the introductory letter. Please see  for more information on which these are.


Where the application is for a cluster or group of authorities, please provide details for the lead authority with names of the other authorities in the group. Please give an indication of the proportion of input to be had by each local authority to managing the project and/or undertaking any of the project work. Eg Local Authority 1 – 80%, Local Authority 2 – 15%, Local Authority 3-  5%.


Maidstone Borough Council

King Street



ME15 6JQ


01622 602389








Section 2: Technical Information


2.                   Which pollutant(s) does the project target?


Please indicate which pollutant(s) the proposed project will tackle. The 2011/2012 Grant system must focus on NO2 issues.



NOx/NO2                          NOx/NO2 / PM10 / PM2.5                                any additional pollutants               


If additional pollutants please provide details






3.                   Please detail the aims and objectives of the proposed project.



Please provide details of the aim(s) of the proposed project and where possible relate these to measures relevant to your air quality action plan. (200 words or less)


Maidstone Borough Council has been proactive in the Local Authority Low Emission Partnership.  Despite emission reduction efforts, NO2 concentrations remain above the EU Limit Value in many parts of the Borough.This project aims to focus on local options to reduce emissions and deliver Measure 1 of the Maidstone Action Plan which identifies the need for evidence based feasibility work on low emission zones/schemes to be carried out. In this project we will collate information on our local traffic profiles followed by the production of the evidence base for council decision-makers on the most cost-effective measures to implement which will deliver a quantified NOx emission reduction.  To deliver this we propose a structured work programme set out below.





4.                   Provide a brief description of the proposed project for which funding is being sought.



Please describe what the proposed project will involve. Include details on what and how this will be done, any public or private partners, the overall timescale for implementation and the project duration. N.B You must NOT name consultants or other organisations proposed to carry out any aspect of the work (as provided in Terms and Conditions of Award) (500 words or less)

The proposed project includes:


1.             An inception phase: A short consultation period with the client steering group (e.g. main stakeholders including transport planners and environmental officers from the Council) to a) understand the overall emphasis or preference for either low emission zones or schemes and b) to share with them our experience and knowledge to help steer later phases of work. Stakeholder consultation should begin and continue throughout.

2.             A scoping phase: Work to assess the potential benefits of several options and to prioritise them with the steering group. At this stage screening tools are appropriate and the priority is to quantify the potential emissions reductions and air quality benefits of the options. Approximate health benefits, implementation and enforcement feasibility issues could also be stated.

3.             A detailed assessment phase: A small number of preferred options are taken forward from the scoping phase and a full analysis of each is done. A high level of quantitative detail is possible depending on the traffic and stakeholder data available.


Detailed Assessment Phase:


The detailed phase includes the following work programme:


1.             Cost-effectiveness analyses of those LEZ options.  This will rely on Marginal Abatement Cost Curves to determine the impact of the LEZ options.  The Cost Curve requires local emissions data, based on local traffic count and composition data. Combining these data will produce the cost-effectiveness results which will allow the options to be ranked in terms of their cost-effectiveness.

2.             Health impact assessment (HIA) focussed on the benefits associated with reduced PM10 and NOx emissions due to the LEZ option. Strengthening the public awareness of the impact of poor air quality on health is important to eliminate the implementation barriers to transport solutions.  In some cases the relationship between exposure to emissions and the negative health response has been characterised with some confidence . These include chronic exposure to PM10 and acute effects (hospitalisations or premature deaths) from exposure to PM10.

3.             An environmental assessment incorporating the HIA and identifying other potential environmental benefits or impacts associated with the LEZ options, particularly those related to climate change



•              Initial kick off meeting will take place within 2 weeks of contract award

•              Consultation workshops and stakeholder meetings for the inception and scoping phase will take place within 2 months

•              Emission inventory compilation will commence within 1 month of contract award and will be completed within 3 months from the receipt of all appropriate local data

•              A report will be produced providing details of the methods and outcomes of the inception and scoping phases  within 4 months of contract award

•              The detailed phase including the finalization of the emissions inventory and the air quality and economic, health and environmental assessment of the options will be completed within 10 months

•              A draft report, setting out the evidence base, to be complete within 12 months







5.              What are the key benefits and outputs of the proposed project?



Please provide details of the key benefits and outputs of the proposed project including those benefits to the local authority / authorities and others. Letters of support from third parties evidencing the wider benefits of the project should be provided where possible


Please detail wherever possible the potential reductions in levels/emissions of the pollutant of interest that may be anticipated as a result of the proposed project, how the project may enable the local authority to make an evidence-based decision to implement measures or not, and/or how the project will enable successful cooperation and knowledge transfer between local authorities to tackle pollution issues. Please detail whether or not the project will generate any intellectual property. (300 words or less)


The key benefit of this project is to provide the evidence base for local decision makers.  Measures to be considered will include the introduction of electric vehicles, car share schemes, HGV re-routing and the control of buses.  These are all potentially feasible in Maidstone but the impact of their introduction on emissions requires quantifying, along with the health impacts and cost and benefits in monetary terms.  Such robust evidence based on local data is necessary to decide on the most cost effective options to move forward into the realms of policy setting.  Data availability to support such policy setting is limited at the local authority level, and this project may be of interest to our neighbouring and authorities in Kent. 






6.              Please detail how the proposed project will contribute to national efforts to achieve compliance with the Air Quality Objectives and EU limit values.



Please provide details of how this project could benefit efforts to tackle air quality issues across the country and how it could help tackle other environmental issues such as the emission of greenhouse gases and noise. (200 words or less)


The NO2 Limit Value is exceeded within Maidstone and while the LEZ will go some way to meet this, this project will consider the evidence of the impact of measures targeted much more widely than buses and HGVs and will determine, following implementation, the likely date of Limit Value compliance.  This study will take account of local traffic composition and profiles which is necessary to gain an accurate view of the potential benefits and emissions reductions likely from an LEZ. 






7.              Detail any previous work carried out in this area that the work will build upon.



Please provide details of any previous work, such as previous projects, reports, which have been used in the planning of this project, and detail how these earlier findings will be expanded upon in this project. Applications will not be penalised if there is no earlier work to reference. (200 words or less)



Sustainable tranport has been identified in the Maidstone Sustainable Community Strategy and the Strategic Plan as vital to deliver the economic growth targeted in the developing Core Strategy. Detailed traffic modelling using Visum has been carried out for growth options identified in the developing LDF, which is due to go to public consultation in July 2011. The model predicts considerable traffic pressure both short, medium and long term on all 6 hotspots, especially 2 key hotpost areas (Lower Stone Street and the Wheatsheaf junction). In the two key hotspots, a  continuous nox monitoring site and a detailed emission inventory are being set up (Sept 2011) to investigate these areas for exceedence of the hourly NO2 objective.  All this modelling and monitoring work will add detailed quantitative evidence to the report.


The Maidstone BC is an active member of the Low Emission Strategies Partnership and is currently engaged with County on developing a travel planning partnership called New Ways 2 Work which also includes working with the South East Carbon Hub. This work shows the Borough's commitment to promoting emissions reduction to business and local residence and will be key to supporting the measures proposed in the final report.





8.                       How will implementation of the project be monitored, success measured and the project evaluated?



Please provide outline details of the selected success criteria for the proposed project and preliminary thoughts on how these will be monitored and the project evaluated. (200 words or less)


The Council plans to monitor the project against set milestones and deliverables within the specification to tender, which will form part of a contract with the successful consultant.  Key deliverables will be effective engagement with transport and planning professionals together with wider sustainable and environmental professionals.  Measures will be quantified for their emission reduction potential and their costs/benefits.  As the measures are implemented, their impact will be monitored using appropriate activity data and emission calculations and by pollutant concentration measurements. Targets and indicators will be set such as traffic count at specified locations, traffic and fleet composition including Euro Compliance for NOx and PM10.   Evaluation will take place annually during the reporting process to defra, which will include the progress made towards delivery of the Limit Value in Maidstone






9.                       How will any findings be disseminated for the benefit of other local authorities?



Please provide details on how the findings of this project will be distributed. For example, will a report or guidance note be produced? Will the results be presented at air quality working groups or similar organisations? Information on a website etc. (200 words or less)


Maidstone Borough Council is a member of the Kent and Medway Air Quality Partnership, which was formed in 1992. The major aims and objectives of the Partnership are to:

•           Facilitate a co-ordinated approach through Kent and Medway for the Local Air Quality Management obligations placed on local authorities under the Environment Act 1995.

•           Compile, update, and maintain an Emissions Inventory of air pollution sources in and around Kent, to assist with the LAQM process.

•           Comment on and influence the economic, planning and transport policies within the county so that air quality issues are properly considered and addressed.

•           Gain an understanding of the health implications associated with poor air quality and the threat it poses to the health of Kent and Medway's communities.

•           To promote an awareness of air quality issues by working with national agencies, neighbouring authorities, and European partners and to participate in joint initiatives to further the knowledge and understanding of air quality issues.

•           Liaise with DEFRA and Government bodies to assist with the implementation of the National Air Quality Strategy.


Maidstone will also continue its active involvement and support of the Low Emissions Strategies (LES) Partnership and Low Emissions Strategy promotion.

The partnership comprises a Peer Group of 15 local authorities across England working together to support local implementation of LES.  We would be happy to present our findings of this project at EPUK, IAPSC, LES meetings and others where we are invited.  In particular, we would seek to present our work to the Kent and Medway Air Quality Partnership a GovToday Sustainable Transport and/or Local Transport Today event  and any other relevant health/air quality/climate change local or national event.






Section 3: Financial Information



Please see for information and details on other potential funding streams for air quality management.



10.               Please answer the following questions:


a.                   Could the proposed project be financed through Section 106 agreements relating to planned developments?


Yes                  No                      Don’t Know



b.                   Could the proposed project be financed through the Community Infrastructure Levy relating to planned developments?


Yes                               No                      Don’t Know



c.                    For Authorities outside of London, could the proposed project be financed through use of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund?


Yes                               No                      Don’t Know



If “yes” for a, b or c please provide details on what has been explored, whether these have been successful, what is currently being explored or is awaiting decision and any plans you have for any (further) investigation of these funding routes. (100 words or less)






No other funding provided


    1. Please provide details of any other public funding awarded for the proposed project (50 words or less)



    1. Please provide details of any other public funding sought for the proposed project and the extent to which the project is reliant on this funding. 50 words or less)






    1. Please provide details of any third party contributions, either financial or through support, available for the proposed project.



For example, will the project be supported by any private sector companies, or research bodies?

Please provide a figure in £ for the total third party funding applicable to or required for the delivery of the project. Please outline any conditions attached to this funding. (200 words or less)







    1. Please confirm the planned financial contribution by the local authority / authorities to the project and the proportion of the total. Where more than one local authority is contributing please provide a breakdown of the total costs by local authority.

£0 total cost

% 0  of total


Breakdown (if multiple authorities)








11.               Please identify the total financial support sought for the proposed project, breakdown of this figure into categories and work packages and information on how has this been calculated.


 Please note there will not be a chance to later revise any amounts requested here and Defra may decide not to award the full level of grant funding you request.


Breakdown: please breakdown the total cost into the categories below.  In addition, if the project has milestones or discrete packages please describe how the total cost is split between these packages, % figures or financial breakdown would be useful. Breaking your work into work packages can help our assessors in understanding and awarding funding which will ensure the success of the project.

Calculation: For example, have quotes been sought or have man hours been estimated for specific elements of the project? Please do not attach commercial in confidence quotes or name contractors.


Please note that where you seek to procure the supply of any goods, works or services from a third party you shall ensure that procurement complies in all material aspects with all relevant European and UK Legislation on public procurement, including without limitation the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Further information on this is included in the Grant Agreement.


The amount of grant requested should be made of the basis that the amount requested from the Authority takes account of all VAT liabilities and you shall not charge VAT on any expenses which are not chargeable to VAT.


Equipment:                          £0

Labour:                                  £37000

Consumables:                       £3000

Other:                                    £0


Total:                                      £40000



If the project has milestones or discrete work packages please provide information on the split of these packages below (50 words or less)

Inception Phase - 15% (£6000)

Scoping Phase - 25% (£10000)

Detailed Phase - 60% (£24000)



Information relating to how the total has been calculated (50 words or less).

The information provided is based on a consultant quote and local LAQM evidence, most recently the 2011 Annual Progress Report







Signature of Officer at the local authority


John Newington



Name of local authority


Maidstone Borough Council





17th June 2011



Please Note: The Deadline for Submission of Grant Applications is 17th June 2011.

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