Enc. 2 for Park Rangers Progress Report

Appendix B

Cobtree Project Update – October 2012

Phase one

Installation of 14 outlying pieces of play equipment

This has been completed and has proven popular with a large increase in visitor numbers over the summer months. The informal count suggests this has doubled compared to the same period last year.

Phase 2

Installation of second phase of the play area and additional park infrastructure

Planning permission is in and awaiting a response for phase 2 of the play area.

The route of the new path network is currently being finalised.

A 5k running/walking route around the park is being finalised.

Improvements to the car park and provision for overflow car parking are being designed.

The brief for the sculpture trail has been developed and is to be sent out to local artists.

Other infrastructure such as bins and benches are to be chosen.

Phase 3

New visitor centre and café

          The design competition has been sent out to selected local architects.